Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Another fun day in the heat! Only 102 degrees this year compared t the 113 degrees we had last year!

All in all, I am glad we did it, and I want to say thank you to all those who made the trip.

I am not  a big fan of the 'force on force' type stuff, but with the group we had it worked out well. The small teams were able to to some training in the vast dry grass areas, and allowed for many exchanges that you don't always find in the large group OPs.

Only six members of the Corps team were able to make it, but several new operators new to the field kept the energy level high.

Rumor has it that Maverick might be interested in joining the Corps! Keep your eyes open troops, and let him know how he's doing.

Thanks to Hi-Cap for giving us the intro for the endless 3-man skirmishes held in the late day. That was a surprisingly good time! It was quick to continue, fast paced, and versatile considering the make-up of each new team. This is a great opportunity to get to work with people new to the field.

I am already committed to something for the second weekend in August, so we will have to schedule a different weekend or opportunity for the August event. I have been talking to Nick from Ground Zero, and will be posting some new opportunities for August to keep you gunning!


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once more, the single fire gameplay has triumphed over the full auto in my mind. it definetly makes it more of a challenge for all operators veteran and new alike.
also the somewhat small turnout had me dissapointed at first but as the day started to pick up, i was glad that that amount and no more showed up because it wouldnt have been the same with 30 people running around on the field.
A thanks goes out to Hi-Cap of the woodland team for keeping us organized and trying to keep us in line and always engaging and not turtling up.
to all the operators that could make it thanks for the great op, and to all those that could not, you missed a great op.
I had a great day. I was helped by many as this was my first day at airsoft. The heat was high, the poison oak in full bloom, and unaccustomed to running in full gear...I had a blast!!!

Thanks all that have helped me. I look forward to future events!

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