Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

What brands and models of Airsoft Shotguns does everyone have?

What are the CONs?

What are the PROs?

What is the average price?

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I used to have a DE M3 shotgun. It was a decent gun, shooting at about 330 FPS. It shot three bbs which is both a con and a pro. The con is that the bbs would curve like crazy, even while shooting .27s. The pro is that it is hard to miss someone while turning corners. It is probably the best cheap gun I have owned, but I would like to use one of the gas powered ones like this:

For a budget the best shotgun you can get is the UTG tri shot one (the one they carry at JF). It is sturdy, shoots 3 bb's fairly accurately, and is fun to use. i know a ton of people (including people with extremely high end guns) who still choose the UTG gun over the higher end brands. 

Other good ones are like the cyma m3000, this one is slightly more money ($90 at JF) but it is completely metal, easy to cock (spring) and shoots hard, far, and accurate. only downfall is it only shoots one bb. 

in my opinion the higher end $200 and up gas shotguns arent worth what you pay for it. just my opinion :)

Well, for me it's the UTG M3.


    * FPS: Advertised as 320, but more like 250 FPS with .25g BBs

    * Effective Range: 40-60 ft.

    * Hop Up: None, but then accuracy isn’t in the description.

    * Magazine Capacity: 1 Shell (Operator should acquire a shell pouch)

    * Shell Capacity: Some can carry 30 BBs, but mine carry 12 BBs (4 shots)

    * Weight: 2.5 lbs.

    * Length: Approx 25 inches

    * Cost: $58.00- $80.00 NEW


CONS: If you are on the field with the ‘spray and pray’ crowd, they won’t acknowledge a hit unless you stick it in their ribs as you pull the trigger. It should be used only with those top end operators who can recognize a hit, or during semi-auto events. This is not to say that it hits light. At 40-60 feet they definitely feel it. You do need to buy a few additional shells, but they are inexpensive. Occasional random feeding, but 1-3 rounds have always come out.

PROS: It is a spring gun! No batteries or gas. It’s light weight, but doesn’t feel cheap. If it had any weight it would feel very real. Quality rubberized grips, and smooth action. Did I mention it’s cheap and light weight? And it works. Reloading is slow as you can imagine, but the realism involved should be compared to the use of standard mags. You can find these in stocked or stockless versions.


Hope this helps, . . .

I got the maruzen 8mm gas m500 along with farside.....avoid. Its full metal, shoots awesome, but the pump is easily breakable. Both ours broke.

Now i have the utg tri-shot and i agree with it being a great choice. I did break one awhile back while slamming into a wall but its not meant to do that lol

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