Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Hello, I am new to the airsoft community and I was wondering if I could get any information about the missions day on January 11, 2020? A couple of friends and I want to attend.

  1. What are the requirements for sealed goggles?
  2. Is there an age limit for this event?
  3. What does ammo grade higher than .25 grams include? Lighter or heavier?
  4. Is a plastic training knife considered a secondary or not?

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Hello Bryce,

1) Sealed eye protection must be as dedcribed. Sunglasses or other lenses which might allow a BB to contact the eye are prohibited. (Not allowed). If there are gaps which risk possible exposure to contact they are prohibited. 

2) Our field does not have an age limit, however we do require that all persons under 18 have an adult's signature at check-in. We of course reserve the Right to refuse service should we believe an individual does not adequate display sufficient maturity.

3) An ammunition grade 'higher than' describes a numerical gram weight which corresponds to ammunition which is heavier in weight to the aforementioned. 25 gram ammunition. 

To clarify: Operators may use an ammunition which is heavier than .25 grams, but they will still be expected to chrono under our field maximum limit which is less than 400 feet per second using .25 gram ammunition. 

4) Operators are allowed to carry practice knives if they choose. There is no physical contact allowed with other operators at any time. This includes practice knives. Practice knives may not be thrown on the field.

The use of the term 'secondary' describes an operator's secondary firearm, most often a pistol. Many operators carry a form of secondary firearm in case their 'primary', typically a rifle, is unusable. On our field, if your weapon is 'hit' with a BB, that weapon is unusable until you respawn. Respawn as normal will return an operator's primary weapon to use.

I hope this clarifies our rules, and that you might join us on the field!

ok, thank you! I realized that a knife cant be a secondary and that it has to be a firearm to be considered a secondary and what sealed eye pro is. thank you for the info.

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