Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

I'm posting this separate from the event page so they do not get lost in the shuffle. This rules will, for the most part, remain constant throughout the OP. Failure to follow the rules will hold slightly more severe punishments because of how easily it can lead to ruining the experience of the op. I want everyone who attends to have fun and I fully expect not to worry about this :)

OPERATION RULES: The following rules will remain constant through the OP:

  1. Each team gets 1 medic per 7 people. Medics will have two bandages for two extra respawns. Medics cannot respawn themselves but a team mate can use a bandage for the medic. Each operator, including medics, will have two re-spawns for a total of three deaths. After their last death they may spectate or return to the staging area. Players when hit in the main body or extremities will fall “mortally wounded” and count to 60 and walk 100’ away from combat or to their established base depending on evolution, before returning to action. Head shots are kills and not eligible for medic spawn. Players will walk off 100’ and count to 60 before returning to action. Having wounding hits affords the player the opportunity to call for a medic.
  2. Players are expected to be honest with their hit locations. Players caught not calling their hits in the proper location (i.e. using body hit rules for a head shot) will be warned for the first offence, then removed from the evolution after the 2nd offence. Future offences may result in being asked to leave the OP. OPCOM is affording a valuable tool to use and misuse will not be tolerated.
  3. Wounded players hit for a second time will be “dead” and will follow head shot respawn rules (100’ and 60sec count). PLAYERS MUST ANTICIPATE BEING SHOT AGAIN. This condition starts after the wounded player lies down in place, identifying themselves as wounded and not “dead”, not after the first hit (spraying someone with several bb’s will not negate wounding effect).
  4. Extremities will be defined as: hands, feet, legs, arms and all gear. Main Body is defined as the center mass from the belt line to the collar bone. “Head” is defined to include the neck from the collar bone up. Players are asked to be considerate and not shoot each other in the face exclusively. Understand that there will be times where you hit the body or extremities and times where you hit their head, don’t seek out head shots.
  5. Dead men/women do not talk. Wounded men/women have 60seconds from their first hit to primarily call for a medic. The players will call for “Medic” in this situation and not any other word for a medical professional (i.e. Doctor, Doc, surgeon). IF A PLAYER HAS SUFFERED A REAL INJURY THE PLAYER OR ANOTHER PLAYER WITNESSING THE INCIDENT WILL CALL “BLINDMAN: MEDICAL EMERGENCY”. This will clarify we have a real medical situation.
  6. If a wounded player choses to share information such as direction of fire or where the enemy is, etc. it will culminate with their “death” (meaning they share the information with their dying breath) and will then remove themselves for respawn following head shot respawn rules (this could mean they have their entire wounding time + another 60 out of action, choose this option wisely).
  7. Weapon hits disable the weapon hit and the player cannot use that weapon till their respawn. For the purpose of this Op and the special kill/death rules, players cannot decide to call themselves out if they are left weaponless. Borrow a gun, run towards the enemy become a forward observer. Remember you only have so many lives.
  8. Civilians are not to be handled physically. We may or may not have a scripted altercation planned or anticipated. If we do, only those operators planned to do so will be allowed to participate.

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