Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Folks have been talking, and most of us DC boys agree that it would be really spot on if we all had our own name tapes with our handles on them. I have been wanting some for a while, my self.

Here's the deal:
  • Bulk orders get discounts on shipping at the place I am looking at using.
  • The price for under 11 characters is about 2.00, over 11 characters is 3.00 NOT INCLUDING SHIPPING
If you want to go in on a large order with me, here is what I will need:
  • Name you want
  • Amount you wish
  • Color (OD, Tan, DIGI Tan, DIGI Wood)
  • Your money. I can't afford to bank roll an entire order for everyone, so if you want them, you have to get me the money before I order.
Shipping and Tax is averaging out to be about 0.50 per name tape.

I would like to order these some time soon after the beginning of February. So if enough people say they are interested by posting so here on this thread, then I will start putting the order together at the end of the month and give everyone a solid shipping and tax cost estimate. From there, we can figure out how best to pool the money over so I can order.

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Sorry. Got on the thread late. Let me know when another order is going out.
I missed the boat on this as well...lmk when there are plans to do this again.

Let me know when and I will re-open the discussion.



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