Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Hey so I just recently finished my 1911 project and I started to wonder if anyone else on D Corps had project guns? By project I mean a gun (pistol, or full rifle) that underwent much customization, time, effort to make it your own gun, or even a better version of itself. (I think both internally, and externally should apply). And post pictures too!!


I'll start it off, I just finished a 3 week project on a 1911. I started with a TM 1911 MEU with some minor internal upgrades. I then bought a Guarder FBI Metal body for it and some custom grips and an extra TM MEU mag (sooo hard to find). From there was a constant on and off effort of removing all the parts form the old body, to file into, silicon, press and squeeze into the aluminum body...hardest crap to do ever.ha. I finally put it together a couple days ago. Only quirk is for reasons unbeknownst to me it can only fire .25's. if i use .2's the gas fires incorrectly and the gun won't cycle. 

Overall though the gun feels and looks amazing, and it shoots straighter then any pistol I've ever used. plus it has amazing blowback!






And closeups




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I have a E90 which I am in the process of finding a good way to give it a insane rate of fire like the real steel P90. I am adding a systema high speed motor, systema full tune up kit, reflex sight, and laser. When i get finished it will have a ROF somewhere over 25 BPS. Its going to be amazing.
Nice work with the pistol. I like what you did with the grips.
Oh nice. I love hearing a high ROF gun go off.ha. what type of laser and reflex sight you getting? And thanks :)

Spartan said:
I have a E90 which I am in the process of finding a good way to give it a insane rate of fire like the real steel P90. I am adding a systema high speed motor, systema full tune up kit, reflex sight, and laser. When i get finished it will have a ROF somewhere over 25 BPS. Its going to be amazing.
Im going to get the AMP micro reflex sight for 60$ from AEX, and the NC Star green laser and pressure pad for 60$ off of airsoft GI. I'm still trying decide if the laser is worth, I would probably only use it in night games and indoor courses. I want to get a pistol and customize it soon also. I was thinking of a Glock 18. 

Spidedd said:
Oh nice. I love hearing a high ROF gun go off.ha. what type of laser and reflex sight you getting? And thanks :)

Spartan said:
I have a E90 which I am in the process of finding a good way to give it a insane rate of fire like the real steel P90. I am adding a systema high speed motor, systema full tune up kit, reflex sight, and laser. When i get finished it will have a ROF somewhere over 25 BPS. Its going to be amazing.

Spidedd: Fun grips! Do you have any pics of your internal work? Those pics are always fun.


Spartan: Besides the Systema high speed motor (an excellent choice), you could always put in a lithium 11.4 battery.

Not what I would suggest, but it will sure boost the rate of fire!

Oh nice. I always would recommend the NC Star reflex sight (the one with 4 different reticle adjustment). I used that and it's by far my favorite red dot I've used. yeah the guy at our field has the green laser as well. it works extremely well, only downfall is people can sometimes see where it is coming from. good for intimidation and quick aiming though. I love Glock 18's too. that'd be awesome. 


And thanks Komissar! I don't but I might take some in a bit. And i second the lipo. Even a 7.4 would be really nice

im working on a G3 model gun. it started as a TM G3 sas. i then proceeded to add a CA solid stock (and i upgraded to a 9.6v 2000MaH battery!) i also put a JG RAS front end that i got from Wisconsin, it came with the body(i changed out the bodies because the SAS has better detail) cocking tube, and RAS. No internal upgrades yet other than a 6.03x550mm tight-bore. (i put a raised scope and a bi-pod on it too.) i also sanded and repainted the magazine. so no more rust spots! (and i also have a mosquito molds silencer on it, it has orange tape on it for my parents cause they want an orange tip unless im in a game.
Nice gun! Do you use it for sniper or for support?
That's really cool. I really like that you were able to customize a gun that unique that extensively. Looks awesome

My project gun is a Lindenarms (my brand lol) Silent G36K made from an Echo1 G36C Gen. 3. I say Silent because the sound it makes is close to silent. Also the main purpose of this gun is to be a menueverable field sniper or urban setting sniper.

Ive foamed the body

Added a madbull 6.01 TBB at 363mm length


Firefly hopup

and working on a different motor type.


So far players have said its barely audible outside of 20ft in a combat zone. Its still a work in progress, i still plan on a padded piston head/ the new piston head type that just came out and adding a ever longer inner and outer barrel. Plus the SL8 mags.

Don't forget your CA scoped carry handle ;)

Cpl. Ziggy (Mike) said:

My project gun is a Lindenarms (my brand lol) Silent G36K made from an Echo1 G36C Gen. 3. I say Silent because the sound it makes is close to silent. Also the main purpose of this gun is to be a menueverable field sniper or urban setting sniper.

Ive foamed the body

Added a madbull 6.01 TBB at 363mm length


Firefly hopup

and working on a different motor type.


So far players have said its barely audible outside of 20ft in a combat zone. Its still a work in progress, i still plan on a padded piston head/ the new piston head type that just came out and adding a ever longer inner and outer barrel. Plus the SL8 mags.

i use it for both depending on the mission, i can also quickly convert it to the G3 sas with a stock for CQB though too. i need a new hopup before i can really do more "sniper" shots though.

Spartan said:
Nice gun! Do you use it for sniper or for support?

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