Standard Equipment:
Remember to bring your basics: BB's, batteries, charger, eye protection (full face protection suggested), red death rag, gloves are a good idea, and of course warm clothes for the night. Food and water.
H/K teams:
Operators must have a flashlight attached to their AEG.(Yes it must work and have batteries. Bring x-tra)
The team leaders and RTO's should have radios with sub-channels. Zip-Lock bags work good for keeping you map dry. Additional lanterns and lights may be brought as wanted.
RECON team- Equipment and MOS:
Team Leader Tasks:
The team leader is responsible for keeping his team alive and completing the mission.
Not one of the operators on your team may lose their Dog-Tag.
As the team’s leader it is your job to insure the safety of your troops. When an operator is hit and goes down, the operator is considered incapacitated, unable to speak move or defend himself. Once his Dog-Tag has been taken consider him to have been killed. The operator may respawn as normal, however; Dog-Tags cannot be recovered.
Responsible for presenting OPCOM with the teams DZ for mission start.
Responsible for the team briefing and delegation.
Responsible for tracking the time and planning the team’s task priority.
Team authority may still be shared as equals for all real time effects.
A watch, lighter, gloves, a compass, and a pencil/pen might be useful. Additional useful items are electrical tape, zip ties, rope or paracord, a screwdriver, and a cutting tool.
RTO Tasks:
The RTO needs to keep in communication with OPCOM to allow verification of tasks.
Your team will be assigned call-sign. (Example: Alpha-Two-Seven).
When requesting communication with OPCOM use your teams handle then your call-sign.
The team RTO is required to give the ‘OPERATIONAL REPORT’, once during the OP.
When the ‘OPERATIONAL REPORT’ is requested you must respond within 2 minutes.
The ‘OPERATIONAL REPORT’ requires the following information:
Your team’s current grid location and direction of travel.
The Task Number which your team is currently attempting.
The condition of the Demolition Device.
(No change, assembly begun, ready for demo, or task complete)
Any Dog-Tags lost or captured, including the RCO TRACKING NUMBER.
Report any other teams encountered.
(Time and location of encounter, type of force, and direction of travel)
The RTO is also responsible for assembly of the team’s VRC-353 antenna (Task Code 18).
The RTO should ensure that the team has access to a phone with the capability to take and send pictures by text message. (This is a requirement of Task Code 6).
A quality radio with sub-channels is a must. The addition of a headset and remote PITT are a plus. A watch, compass, and a pencil/pen are also useful in tracking SITREPs and information from OPCOM.
Navigators Tasks:
On RC-MAPS A and B he must record information which is vital to describing the teams accomplishments. It can be thought of as a working picture of the team’s actions and encounters. When these maps are returned to OPCOM at the event end, they will be reviewed. The more usable the information is, the more valuable the maps are, and the greater the score.
The information on each map must be readable and usable. Illegible or damaged information will result in a reduced value. The specific list will be issued at the briefing.
A watch, compass, and the RC- MAPS A and B. Pencil/Pen and a straight edge are useful.
Demolitionist Tasks:
CLASSIFIED at this time.
Electrical tape, zip ties, screwdriver, and a cutting tool such as a small saw might be useful. Additional useful items are a lighter, gloves, and pouches to carry incendiary items separately. Good pliers for cutting, stripping, and crimping wires. Additional items will be issued and are currently CLASSIFIED.
OPERATORS: If in doubt; It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
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