Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Your thoughts on sponsoring a team competition event here at DRAEX field.

My thoughts:
Diamond Corps would sponsor (friendly or competitively), an event which would invite local (not exclusive), teams to compete in an event held here at our field.

More on this soon, . . .

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I totally agree with Colorado. "I just don't roll that way!"
I toatally agree! more players should always be welcome! we were all noobs at one time or other right?

Colorado said:
You guys sound very touchy about new players being on the field.  Do you guys get alot of cheaters on this field ?  I've only been here once and had a great time with every one, as a matter a fact we got our asses kicked pritty good still i cant help but notice that as soon as a newer player wrote some thing aggressive yet fun on this page "Three months after any one has made any comments" most of the following comments are about new teams and cheaters. Talk about not making new players feel welcome. My first experience on this website was very much the same, it's too bad because i really liked it out there and i got 500 airsofters that wanna play airsoft on my website. How can i recommend them to play at a field were they are not gonna feel welcome  and get this kind of attitude from the regulars. This is airsoft and some times we gotta roll with the punches that means braking in the noobs from cheating and keeping the honest ones honest. We all gotta do our part not just the field marshalls, if you play with honor and see a team mate cheat call your self out and your team mate out and tell him "i dont roll that way"........
I think you are taking what we have been saying out of context a bit. There has been a couple of outside teams that have come in and just cheated like crazy. And just about all of the were veteran players. It makes the sport not as enjoyable if you cannot possibly ever win because someone is cheating. Its like playing blackjack but the other person always has a 21. I think everyone that has experienced teams that are new to the field cheating become somewhat wary of people from 'outside' joining in on the field. I personally am not closed to the outside but I would like to know at least the people coming in are honorable players who play by a set of rules similar to ours.

Colorado said:
You guys sound very touchy about new players being on the field.  Do you guys get alot of cheaters on this field ?  I've only been here once and had a great time with every one, as a matter a fact we got our asses kicked pritty good still i cant help but notice that as soon as a newer player wrote some thing aggressive yet fun on this page "Three months after any one has made any comments" most of the following comments are about new teams and cheaters. Talk about not making new players feel welcome. My first experience on this website was very much the same, it's too bad because i really liked it out there and i got 500 airsofters that wanna play airsoft on my website. How can i recommend them to play at a field were they are not gonna feel welcome  and get this kind of attitude from the regulars. This is airsoft and some times we gotta roll with the punches that means braking in the noobs from cheating and keeping the honest ones honest. We all gotta do our part not just the field marshalls, if you play with honor and see a team mate cheat call your self out and your team mate out and tell him "i dont roll that way"........

I dont know, Ive had nothing but positive experiences at draex. I  just started playing with diamond corp last year and all the vets are very respectful and helpful. In no way from day one was i discouraged, or treated differently from the rest. I believe Chris has a good airsoft communtiy that believes in good sportsman like conduct and honor so obviously this is one of their key attributes that they want to uphold. It takes honest players and field marshals to keep things fair, Draex is the perfect balance of this example. Im afraid people do cheat and unfortunatly the game is based on the honor system. All i know is the operators there are great, the field is great, and I always have fun so I cant complain. Once things get competitive people do anything to win just look at professional sports..........


And on another note getting shot is fun within its self. Personally I like to act out the whole "death" thing by throwing my hands in the air like sgt. elias in platoon but thats more of a cimmerian rule. I hope the competive side of  this idea stays fun and doesnt turn into something ugly.


Remember to teach the noobs. If we dont teach them theyll never learn.

@Colorado: New players are ALWAYS welcome, ALWAYS treated with the respect due to them, and ALWAYS given the benefit of the doub. I'm not upset, just emphasizing the "ALWAYS" because that is how Diamond Corps is ran. I first came to DRAEX field three years ago with a UTG M324 (1st Gen, 250FPS) and a spring UTG P99 spring pistol. I was dead so much more often than I was a live. I ended up borrowing someone's G3 AEG and then began to have fun. I told Chris when he asked if I was coming back, that I would but I needed to get an AEG 'cause my guns sucked ass. He was very encouraging for me to keep coming back despite my gun issues.


People's concerns come from two things (I feel) Hot guns (400+) and calling hits. Tank and I experienced the hot gun (which was brought onto the field without chrono) and had the marks to prove it. I've watched players prairie dog at Gama when some of my BB's would hit their pack then my some spook them to expose the pack again. It happens, and we never assume its new players. The reality is different teams have different rules, different expectations for how an event will end (i.e. the focus on winning is greater or lesser to having fun) and different recruitment rules. We don't like playing with the invincible players any more than we dislike playing with the players who bitch and moan about every hit. This is supposed to be fun, not a source of agitation and frustration. I feel if we are opening the doors to people we may or may not have played with, we can't assume anything including how honorable they are. Extra Marshals on the field will be nothing more than a way to ensure everyone has fun and enjoys the event.

I agree to more marshals, not only for cheaters but for safety.... On the field i used to run it was pretty big. getting the players on the field to sound off "hold your fire and safety's on" when another player is injured or with out goggles was kinda hard and i am pretty loud when i yell. Having more Marshall's always helps to keep the sound off going. I guess i just haven't ran into enough cheaters to know that they can be a big deal. All though i have called out a few players but figure mostly it's because they didn't feel the hit from intense moments like when your hauling tail to some cover threw some brush, or the bb was going to slow to feel it on your vest. Oh, more marshals is also good for when your buddy shooting the saw cant hear the other player calling him self out and he just keeps shooting the poor guy. But my concern wasn't the marshals, it was that as soon as i posted

"sign me up, civ-arm is ready 25+ angry killing machines, lol."

it sounded some thing like that, (i deleted it from the comments because of the comments i saw after it)

my point was that it seemed a little tough (that's all), i know my comment was aggressive, but I'm here to have a little fun.

In real life, it only takes one bullet to kill a man... So my team knows the drill..... Death before Dishonor

I really hope i haven't offended any one and i look forward to playing with you guys. I will probly be bringing a decent amount of players with me but only a few from my team will be with me. I run a website and have alot of people on it that wanna find fun places to play so if any of them are cheaters "please dont get mad at me" it's all in the cards and haven't had any probs with any of them so far. I'm glad my comment has received so much feed back, lets me know you guys dont mind being open minded so thats a good thing. Again, hope i havn't offended any one and see you guys on the field soon. Colorado out.
I felt very welcomed when I came to Draex the first time, but some of the posts on this seemed kind of negative towards letting new players on the field so I just think that as long as we are welcoming others and having fun then we are all good!

OK I have almost all positive experiences at Draex. There was only one time last February where I saw a guy uphill, and started shooting at him. I could visibly see bbs bouncing off him, and even though I shot him at least forty times he wouldn't call. One of my squad mates yelled if he was getting it, and the idiot told he had been being hit. We informed him in a "kind" way that when you get shot you say HIT. He then just walked away.

Other than that Chris and the rest of Diamond Corps has made me nothing but happy. I've tried other fields, and from what I've seen Draex has by far the fewest cheaters.

All I have to say is this: When people start cheating, you whip out your Cold Steel knives and swords, yell something in Arabic, and charge! It really works!
I agree with Phoenix's above statement. Its mostly the hit taking that worries alot of people. It brings un-needed friction between players and teams. Its usually a short spawntime anyways so might as well take it and make it enjoyable for everyone.

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