Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Richard Baltero
  • Male
  • Yuba City, CA
  • United States
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Richard Baltero's Page

Profile Information

Years Airsofting:
5 year
Commonly played fields:
airsoft battle grounds

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At 9:57am on December 8, 2011, Komissar said…

Sure thing,

Operators can arrive anytime between 0800-0900, and make their way down to the Target/Ready area. Please park to allow other vehicles to get around you if parking on the driveway. (Lots of vehicles to accommodate).

At 0900 we give briefing including the field rules/safety briefing. We divide teams either by uniform color, or by headgear. (Hats vs. Shemaghs for example).

The first run is usually a force on force to get newer operators familiar with the field.

After this we begin the 'missions'. Each team (red and blue described by the area they start in) look for as many as three operators from each team to accept a mission. the missions are drawn from custom made cards each detailing various tasks for that operator to achieve, such as:

Base Demo: The operator is issued a 'bomb' which he must get inside the opposing base to complete the mission for his team.

Sniper Mission: The opposing team will place a 3 foot standing target within 100 feet of their 'base'. (This target has a small red cylinder that when shot, drops into a larger cylinder and disappears showing the target has been eliminated). This completes the mission for his team.

Other such missions are: Mortar Demo, Radio-Man, Recon, Road Patrol, Ammo Recovery, etc.

For the operators not carrying a mission, they will need to assist the operators who have missions to complete those missions, as well as stop the opposing team from completing their 3 missions.

Each team will attempt to complete more missions than the opposing team with a time limit of around 40 minutes. (Time varies).

This gives you the opportunity to have a mission oriented Mil-Sim introduction, or just take to the field and shoot without obligation of a mission.

Our standard Missions Day field is nearly 10 custom wooded acres including structures.

We usually stop for a lunch break at around noon, so bring something. We have water, and restrooms, as well as power for your charger.

HEREis a link showing a very commercial look at the field, during spring when it's green.

In the fall, the trees lose their leaves and it's more grey and tan.

I hope you can make it out!

At 12:24pm on December 4, 2011, Komissar said…

Welcome to BATTLEGROUND. Hope to see you out at our field sometime! Let me know if you have any questions.



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