Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Tristan appleton's Comments

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At 12:05pm on September 17, 2011, Edric said…
Hey! Missed you last game.
At 8:34pm on September 13, 2010, Brandon Wilkes said…
hay man when i get this m4 fixed im going to sell it and i was just seeing if you want it
At 8:39pm on August 20, 2010, Komissar said…
Not much time to switch out springs (easy with a gen 3 gearbox), hop full on should drop it by 20-30fps. Bring a back-up AEG just in case. I'll do what I can when on site.
At 6:11pm on August 20, 2010, Komissar said…
On food: On single day OPs, I bring pretzels, beef jerky, and maybe an apple, and lots of water. I try to eat something in the AM, but this one I have too much going on to enjoy a 'real' breakfast. MOCHA!
At 12:41am on August 18, 2010, Komissar said…
Sounds great Tristan. Uniform ready, boots to cover! You can wear OD pouches and pack if you prefer. Remember to pack light (low drag) for this OP. Food, water, ammo, batteries. Lots of moving/hiking and it will be a 'high altitude' OP. Let me know if I can help with anything.
At 4:33pm on August 12, 2010, Komissar said…
I see you have a system, . . . and a Cold Steel knife!
At 8:29pm on August 6, 2010, Brandon Wilkes said…
sounds so good
At 7:54pm on August 6, 2010, Brandon Wilkes said…
sorry it is 530-477-1696 not 539
At 7:53pm on August 6, 2010, Brandon Wilkes said…
Yeah I know sometimes Diamondcorps games are only once a month and i want to play every day so if you hear that somethng is going on give me a call (539)477:1696 or a email and ill be there but school is comeing up so i can only play on saturdays cause of football
At 7:13am on August 6, 2010, Brandon Wilkes said…
Hay man you should let me know if you guys play at the old airport cause i would love to come play
At 12:41am on August 3, 2010, Komissar said…
I'm glad to hear you are ok. It sounds like you have had a rough time of it lately, but I hope everyone is doing well now. Family is always first. No apologies needed.
You did make me crack a smile there for a minute with all the 'sir' stuff.

We still have a fairly full calendar, but we won't have an event at the home field this month. How about Cimmerians? There is a laid back game this Saturday, off Hwy 80 near Alta . I am going, but I don't know what to expect from these guys.
I am hoping for a fun, not-to-serious day of shooting (training).
Let me know what sounds like it will work for you! And, glad to have you back.
At 5:12pm on July 15, 2010, Komissar said…
Hey Tristan,
Are you all set for the Cimmerian OP on Saturday?
Do you want to try and do a carpool? Give me a call (530) 392 0257
At 7:59pm on June 27, 2010, Komissar said…
Sorry about the long post. I have a Y-harness for ya. This OP I will be wearing an OD Boonie Hat. No, I don't bring the shovel either, . . .
At 7:56pm on June 27, 2010, Komissar said…
Kit sounds like it's coming along great! OD's, Canteen, . . the chest rig sounds like it's probably NVA, sometimes used by VC. A typical VN "butt pouch" is all you should need for a pack. Just to carry your food, ammo, ect.
I will see if I can locate a 1st cav patch if you don't find one.

Here is another one in color.

I attach a light (without the batteries) just for the look.

You could carry a K-Bar. I have one on my Woodland (modern) rig.

Here is the butt-pack again.

If you wanted a Day Pack, this style M-ALICE pack is common. Not necessary though.

Let me know if you have any more questions, . . .
At 9:12pm on June 20, 2010, Komissar said…
Did you get to the Cimmerian OP? It looked like they had a light turnout for this one.
I haven't work out the time for Roger Muller event yet, but we are still a go for the Cimmerian OP: Silver Star.
How is your VN loadout coming along? I have a Y-harnesse of the VN era that is all yours if you want it. (Actually a few to choose from) And let me know if you need molle Woodland pouches for the "team" uniform. I have a few.
At 1:30pm on May 30, 2010, Mike Arnoult said…
Hey brother, I can not go Thursday either. I work Wed. and Thurs until Friday morning, I really am grateful for the invite to play for food!!! Lets work on getting together for a game up there, down here, Diamond corps wherever....!!

At 12:52pm on May 25, 2010, Spidedd said…
Probably the Saturday one, it'd be about 5-6 people (including myself)
At 9:25pm on May 24, 2010, Spidedd said…
hey that was a fun day. Thanks alot for lending me your gun etc :D look forward to hopefully playing this weekend etc
At 1:17pm on May 24, 2010, Tank said…
hey man it was great playing with you i hope to see ya out again im gonna be working for the next three months and probably unable to play so i hope to see ya after then
At 11:57am on May 23, 2010, Komissar said…
Looking forward to having you out with the Corps troops for mutually rewarding firefights.

I will try and to set another Training Day we can get some time working together.


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