Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Missions Day - June11th, 2011

Event Details

Missions Day - June11th, 2011

Time: June 11, 2011 all day
Location: Draex field in Browns Valley
Website or Map:…
Event Type: missions, day, event
Organized By: Komissar
Latest Activity: Jun 11, 2011

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Event Description

Missions OP open for new and veteran operators.

Field Donation is $10.



0800 Airsoft 'YARD SALE' - Any operators who would like to bring out AEGs, uniforms, kit, parts, gun bags, ect to sell, arrive early. For those looking to buy, arrive at 0800 to be the first in line!


Missions: We will begin the Safety Briefing at 1000 hrs and end at approx 1600 hrs.
You will want to show up by 1000 for check-in, chrono, and briefing.

Standard missions will be run including Sniper, Demo, Radio, Rescue, Base Demo, Recon, and Patrol.

Uniforms: Operators must bring a SHEMAGH or BOONIE hat for team designation. If you have both, please bring them both so we can balance the teams more easily. Dress your group in the same way if you intend to run as a team.

Read our House Rules.
Weapons will chrono under 400fps with 25 gram BB's.

Bring your food for the day. Water provided.
Power, Water, and Restrooms are on site.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Brenten on June 9, 2011 at 12:02am
@ farside, how well would that scope work on a sniper rifle? Ive got one and am in need of a scope
Comment by Brenten on June 8, 2011 at 11:58pm

@ spartan, sweet! its a deal!

I think Im going to hang onto the ACU at lest for a while, but still looking for the marpat pants...


Comment by Brett Cox ( aka Farside) on June 8, 2011 at 11:44pm

I have stuff to sell if anyone wants to take a look. PM me if interested.

-$110 total - ACM M500 8mm Shotgun, 1.5 bag of .23 8mm bbs, + .5 bag of .43 8mm bbs.

-$200 - 1 A&K SVD,  2 mags, 1 AMP 4X26 SXD scope

-$10 - 1 MARPAT drop leg platform

-$200 - Echo 1 Scar light painted green w/ brown stripes, fore grip, 1 mid-cap and 1 hi-cap mag

-$15 a Leapers 3Xsomething zoom scope

All prices negotiatable 

Comment by Spartan on June 8, 2011 at 2:10pm
I'm selling 3 P90 mags for 30$, I'm including ACU molle mag pouches. I got the pouches for 15$ each and the mags for 10 each.
Comment by Brenten on June 8, 2011 at 11:21am
@ justin, sweet! I'll have to look into some of it, about how much for the AK mags?

@ komissar, cool! my sniper rifle needs a scope because unfortunatly the other one was dropped

@spartan, cool! how much for the p90 mags?

and does anyone have a extra SAW drum mag or a m4/m16 mag? my drum mag broke beyond repair and I dont have another mag so the gun is pretty much useless until I get that. Ive also got a pair of woodland pants, several woodland jackets, a flecktarn jacket, and an air force ACU if anyone's interested
Comment by Brenten on June 8, 2011 at 11:10am
@ komissar  and Spidedd, the ACU should be medium for both the jacket and for the pants, although I'll have to check, the jackets left hand cuff was cut off, but Ive found it poses no problem to gripping the front of the gun.
Comment by Spartan on June 7, 2011 at 8:18pm
Spidedd: OK I'll buy it.
Comment by Ricochet on June 7, 2011 at 7:40pm
Thanks Spartan!
Comment by Spidedd on June 7, 2011 at 7:29pm
No it's a single AMP mount, the $10 one
Comment by Spartan on June 7, 2011 at 6:09pm
@ spidedd: ill take the magnified. Is the mount flip up?
@ brenton i have a few 170 rd p90 mid caps Im willing to sell.
@ pheonix i'll bring the v3 gearbox for ricochet.


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