Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Choosing Your First Airsoft Weapon: by Ghost on Airsoft Squared

There are many theories and much advice on choosing your first Airsoft weapon. I’m going to try and keep this as simple as possible. I’m going to touch several aspects that you should consider when choosing your first Airsoft weapon.


If you are new to Airsofting the money aspect of getting started could be your main factor. I know when I first started out money was a big factor. My first Airsoft weapon was an Umarex M4 that I purchased at a Big 5 sporting goods store. That M4 cost me less than $100 and I used that weapon for nearly 8 months. When first starting out you do not ‘need’ a $300-$400 weapon, try a weapon in the $100-$150 range. You can find a decent M4 or AK platform in this range.



I recommend the M4 or AK platforms for your first venture into owning a Airsoft weapon. The simple fact is that parts and accessories are plentiful in the Airsoft marketplace and among otherAirsoft Operators. Parts – Part of the Versatility for your first weapon is part availability. Most M4 & AK platforms by manufacturer parts are interchangeable. Before you purchase your first Airsoft weapon check out parts availability from your local Airsoft shop and on the internet. If you are not sure talk to an Airsoft Operator that has some experience in the sport.


Is the weapon system you are considering upgradeable? This goes with parts but there is more than just parts that goes into upgrading your Airsoft weapon. Again check with your local Airsoft shop, on the internet or an experienced Airsoft Operator.


What role do you want to play in Airsoft? Do you want to be a regular riflemanSniper, DMR,CQBSquad Support, etc.? Each one of these roles can carry different weapons in the field. When I first started out I owned a standard size M4 platform, so I took on the role of rifleman. Now I own four different rifles and two different side arms, I have taken on the role of being a Sniper and DMR(Designated Marksman Rifle). So I own a Sniper rifle, a M4 built for long range and accuracy, a MP5a3 as a support SMG (Sub Machine Gun) for my sniper rifle and I always carry a side arm (M1911).

The choice of your first Airsoft weapon is ultimately up to you but please consider some of the points that I have mentioned above.

Happy Airsofting,

Written by Ghost

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              I like your article Ghost. I also recommend new operators buy something in the $150 range for their first AEG, and make it a carbine length. I don't recommend weapons which encourage play styles that are extreme long or short to start.

Shorter AEG's tend to demand the operator make more use of cover to arrive at an objective, and a encourage a great deal of running which does not lend itself to everyone'e initial energy or fitness level. Additionally, your local field may not work for this style of play if it has much open ground near objectives. These operators must be ready to do plenty of running or it can lead to early frustrations when competing against operators with longer guns.

Likewise I find that a high percentage of new operators enter the sport with a delusional fascination for what they incorrectly call a 'sniper'. A sniper is such a rare and highly specialized skill set, that what most operators are actually eluding to is a designated marksman (DM). This is an operator who carries a specialized long rifle, and is practiced enough to be able to make incredibly long accurate shots. This skill will take patience, which is another attribute not often found on our high-energy, adrenaline saturated battlefields.

The carbine length AEG combines the mobility of the shorter weapons with a longer barrel for improved accuracy at range, making them a good weapon to start with; and for many operators they embody the best of both worlds. The carbine is the workhorse for many of our modern military, and has proven it's proficiency in it's balanced design.

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