Sure thing, you two are more than welcome. I have aimed toward making this event more for the experienced operators, but we'll see how it goes. I have never run anything quite this complex, and have no idea how well it will be received. It should be fun!
I have spots remaining on one of the H/K teams, and in that way you can also work together. Although it is not expected to rain, it will be night for most of the OP, and I expect it will be cold, possibly wet. Might be rough for newer operators, and night OPs always have a different feel to them. We don't 'bang' kill out here, but it will be semi-auto. Again, it should be fun.
I don't know if we are the pros, but we have a lot of really nice operators. Thanks.
Hey there! Long time no see! Good to hear from ya, . . . finally. I see you have been busy up in Nevada. If I can break away from here, I would love to attend something your going to.
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Sure thing, you two are more than welcome. I have aimed toward making this event more for the experienced operators, but we'll see how it goes. I have never run anything quite this complex, and have no idea how well it will be received. It should be fun!
I have spots remaining on one of the H/K teams, and in that way you can also work together. Although it is not expected to rain, it will be night for most of the OP, and I expect it will be cold, possibly wet. Might be rough for newer operators, and night OPs always have a different feel to them. We don't 'bang' kill out here, but it will be semi-auto. Again, it should be fun.
I don't know if we are the pros, but we have a lot of really nice operators. Thanks.
Hey there! Long time no see! Good to hear from ya, . . . finally. I see you have been busy up in Nevada. If I can break away from here, I would love to attend something your going to.
Let me know if you have any questions.