Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Phillip "Merlin" Porter
  • Male
  • Garden Valley, CA
  • United States
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Phillip "Merlin" Porter's Friends

  • Joseph C. Braun
  • Chris Kalish
  • Northman
  • John Jensen
  • Komissar

Phillip "Merlin" Porter's Page

Profile Information

Years Airsofting:
7 years Airsoft experience
Operator Info:
Scout/Skirmish fighter, prefers using stealth instead of straight out firefights, skilled at sneaking past enemy lines taking out any flankers or taking out enemy from an unexpected side. Often employs tactic of Hit and Disappear against enemy units.
Primary: G&G Armament GR16 Carbine, Full Metal, tight-bore barrel, 400fps and has an accurate rage of 60 yards, but can often push it to 75 yards or more with .25 gram BB's.
Primary 2: Classic Army M14 Rifle, 500FPS, Mounted scope, silencer and bipod, semi-auto firing, used as a Sniper's rifle at long distance.
Secondary: AW .308 Bolt-Action Sniper, 400-450fps, Mounted Scope with sights set to 4x, dead accurate at 75 yards but easily able to hit a person at 100 yards. Used only as Long-range weapon.
Pistol: G6 Spring pistol, 300 fps
Commonly played fields:
Never played at a field less than 5 acres in size, focus mainly on forested areas (often hilly), but also has had many wars at urban locations and some fields, Draex Field

Random Stuff

"If you need to shoot, shoot, don't talk" -The Good The Bad and The Ugly

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Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 11:13am on November 15, 2012, John Jensen said…

Yeah I remember you fixing it. Glad it was something simple.

At 11:16am on September 5, 2012, Komissar said…

Welcome to BATTLEGROUND. Let me know if you have any questions.



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