Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

I wanted to thank chris for so much hard work he has done to put on operation metal thingy and for the fun i had doing it and i know there are a few others that would like to say some thanks too so this is the best way (i thought to do so) thank you chris  and OOOOOOORAAAAAAH!!!!!

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I shall second that. That was a lot of fun and he made it extremely enjoyable, while keeping the very awesome mil sim. Thanks!
Yes, I shall third that! That was awesome! thank you chris!
I agree too. it was cool to have the opportunity to go out to a game. I look forward to the next. It was fun hanging out with everyone and it was nice to play with some players i havent had the chance to run with before.
it was amazing getting a bit more realistic experience, and i look forward to any more that i can get to



This op was well planned, well staffed and a great experience. It was nice to survive a Cimmerian event lol. I enjoyed ripping Flapjack a new one for not getting his team to my prisoners (the acting, not the act of yelling at Flapjack lol).


Thank you for all the time you put into it.

Oh come on, you enjoyed the yelling too.


Phoenix said:



This op was well planned, well staffed and a great experience. It was nice to survive a Cimmerian event lol. I enjoyed ripping Flapjack a new one for not getting his team to my prisoners (the acting, not the act of yelling at Flapjack lol).


Thank you for all the time you put into it.

U.S. Forces appreciated thumping some LRA ass; thanks Komissar.

Wow, . . . thanks guys. This is really a great surprise, and a bit humbling. I get focused on the operations end of things sometimes and need a reminder that what it is really all about is having such incredible people around to share this with.

Thanks again for making a great time of a rough situation. You are the ones deserving of my appreciation. Thank you again.

thank you chris i did enjoy the night op and all the planning and props and the story of the op was awesome too and thanks for letting me play 1st Sgt. Cono i had fun

Hey guys, I posted some of the pictures this evening and even uploaded a few "After the Action" interviews. If you guys like them, I will keep doing them.

I also want to through this out there. I noticed at this Op that not only did we act like a team on the field, but at camp too. This speaks to the high caliber of everyone in attendance. 


I personally want to thank Bluewolf for that fantastic chili on Friday night. No doubt, it kept many people warm on the night op. Bill, thank you for the use of your table and disposable products.


Everyone, I won't lie when I say that I am really pleased and impressed with everyone's conduct both on and off the field. 


From my perspective, the first two evos went fairly well. I enjoyed running with both teams. Watching Tank be lead around as if he was really injured was pretty fun. Being the captive with Kattiana was particularly enjoyable. It was fun both heckling and distracting the LRA, and the gang seemed to enjoy our antics as well.


Komissar my brother, it can't be said enough. Thank you for all that you do. You make Ops awesome. I can't wait for the next Op.


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