Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Has anyone thought about doing this? has anyone actually done this? It looks and sounds fun. Might be a fun thing to try out the mil-sim team. Good reviews from operators.

I'm not sure if they do their own events or if teams like Diamond Corps can schedule a day on their field. Might be worth looking into?

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Fort Ord games are always fun.
Lets do this. Give some advance notice!
This discussions has had no response since August 24th, 2009.
I stopped pursuing this AO after talking with Sproket who gave me his assessment of the place and how it is run.
It had a good deal of potential, before I heard from operators who had attended.

We could look at going if a team was interested.
I just thought I'd bump it to see if more are willing to try : )
Still might be a fun consideration if we got a good group together.
Like you said, let's see if there is any response.
Do you want to find the next game date and I can post the event?
I know that myself and my Neighbor Dough would be interested. I need Lots of advance notice to plan for a full day being gone. I have strong feeling that it is probably more fun and successful with a organized team. I will check back and keep me informed if you guys are making the trip.

Thanks again for the GREAT event at your place. We were bummed to cut out early.

Hey if anyone is still up for this id like to join in.
does this mean that they dont allow players under 18? darn. that looks like a cool place to do a game.
Would you be looking for a straight Diamond Corp team? If not with enough notice I'd be down for this. I have friends who've played Ft. Ord (Andrew-He'll be at Draex this Sat) and it seemed pretty cool. If your looking for an all Diamond Corp team that's cool though.
If we verify cost and rules, set a date, I would say all that attend from here would go as a team.
It will be fun to go together and run as a squad or two. Need enough time to set plans.

Perhaps find out the date and post an event? Maybe a couple of possible dates?

Lets say 3rd weekend in May, that would be the 21st.

Plenty of time to plan and coordinate.   Also we can get together and work as a team and practice strats.


The Ridgeline can hold five adults and It has a trunk for guns.

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