Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

I was just wondering what type of radios everyone is using? What brands have you found to be the best for what we do? How are the ranges and audio quality? Please reply with the make/model of your favorite radio and headset if you use one!

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What have your experiences been with them? Good? Bad?

Hey Sarge,

Katt and I run Motorola Talkabout T5820 (in black). I purchased two, 'Matrix/Element Military Grade Tactical Communications Headsets Type A', (simply the headset), and then also have one of each type of PITT device, and I am very happy with the set-up. Headset and PITT were purchased from Evike.

Also see my post in: CORPS INTEL under TEAM RADIOS for more details.

Motorola talkabouts are the cheapest and most reliable I've used. Nothing bad so far.

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