Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Gun bag just got heavier. KWA SR7 and the brand new ATP. Will have the ATP at DC this weekend for some testing. We will be getting a few more in this week hopefully.

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Hey, a short KWA just for me! Thanks for the post John. Look forward to seeing you out!
Yeah I had to grr something smaller, couldn't quite bring myself to go a small as your ics but it is a start.
I don't know why you guys don't like long guns... theres got to be something wrong with you. The bigger the gun, the better the gun. Its always worked for me... But, the pistol is sick!
I have had the pleasure of firing the pistol.  Nice gun!  Very tight grouping.  John was saying you could get a 50 round clip for it!
I also have an sr10 so I do like the long guns. Just wanted a change too. From the first tests the gun works fine with all glock 18 style mags. Including the big extended mags
It's always about size with you guys isn't it. Nothin' wrong with my short gun. It works quite well for me, thank you.

The only consideration I have for my guns is that it has to feel right. Thats why I'm quick to run a different gun from the UMP, its a great gun. the UMP shoots hard and accurate but without the stock it doesn't feel right (it so did with the stock and Evike has them! Just need to get a couple things to warrant the shipping costs). My m16, the ACR, the P90, hell even Chris's SAW all feel right. The first AEG I ran was a G-3 on my first visit to DRAEX (back when the "best" gun I owned was a 1st gen UTG 324) and I hated it, it felt unbalanced to me.


I agree the best feeling gun i've ever held and used was a G&P SR25, and ever since then I've really wanted one! I tried the P90, M4, MP5, and only long guns feel good to me. Thats why im my teams DM. Pheonix I agree with G3 statement. My bro owns one and I hate it. realllly un balanced and ugly.

I really want to try the P90.  I think with the right internals, longer inner barrel with mock suppressor the P90 will be the perfect gun.  Light, short, and with the bull pup design its a comfortable gun.  And under $200 bucks if you buy the Echo version.


Personally, I wish my first gun was the G3 (Wild Bills friend "Baby Wipe" has one).  I came oh so close to buying that gun but was talked out of it for my M4, which I never really liked.  As it is most of my "future" guns will run with the M4 variant magazine as I have soo many of them.

Hey Blue, guess what! My P90 (if freakin' AEX has the part I need) has: the barrel from a CA M16-A4 Carbine and a mock suppressor.

P90= ugly death

Baby Wipe- my bro

The G3 is BS.... But as I said the P90 is amazing. I gave Pheonix the P90 and i switched to a DMR, but I still enjoy the feeling of literally shooting a football. So much fun!

But I will stick to my original and permanent statement. The SR25 (Chris feell free to give me some support here) is the best AEG for any purpose. They have an entry carbine and the DMR, all with the extensive gearbox. The P90 is great for some things, but it sucks for others. John I will agree with you on the part about chris's M4 being way to small. Pheonix AEX did not help me at all when I went this sat.

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