Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Well, after reading through some of the descriptions, and seeing that I originally posted this in February of 2009, I figured I had better update my own post. Thank Phoenix for the inspiration.

My usual position on the team is point, and for that reason my kit reflects a high mobility, quick reaction set-up. I prefer to wear Woodland BDU's for the fact that they are still about the best camoes in high foilage, forested terrain typical of the field I am on. Standard Nam-Jungle boots, and an all Molle web setup. Adding gloves, knee protection, a Woodland Marines style cap, and full face mask, (point man takes a lot of fire) rounds out my field kit.

I have attached a minimal amount of pouches, keeping them attached high on my webbing to reduce drag while running, and moving through the brush. I carry M4, hi-cap or mid-cap mags located in one or two M4 pouches to my left side, and an all purpose pouch at the back (useful for extra BB's, batteries, and even lunch). On the rare occasion when I attach an M203 launcher to my M4, I add two 48 round star shells in a shell pouch on my belt to the right. My canteen has been replaced by a Camelback, and a K-Bar (a gift from my wife), is now attached to my left harness strap. My radio rides on my left shoulder in it's own pocket, and I carry a digital camera in a pouch opposite. 

My M4 suffers from an upgraded 120 spring, and occasionally an R/G scope, and/or the 'mosquito' M203 launcher.

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Ahh minor changes. I'm packing either a ACR, UMP, or P90 while the M16-A4 is down. All MOLLE pouches now and I'm wearing punched steel mesh goggles from Evike.


To any new player still running around in t-shirt and jeans, I think a good lesson to take from all these examples, especially the ones that have evolved since the initial posting, is to find something that is comfortable and functional. I started with a tac-vest which while being highly functional, caused me to overheat. I graduated to just a web belt with pouches but after my injury I needed support so I moved to a Y harness. I'm finally at that mix of comfort and function. I've almost always have worn mostly camouflage which besides providing stealth, also unifies you with your fellow teammates.

Despite easy team ID, I've always said, "If your not wearing camo, might as well wear neon". Great posts guys, thanks.

My loadout depends entirely upon my uniform and my situation. I have a MOLLE harness with tons of pouches, I have an H-harness in both Desert and Woodland, and I have at least 1 or two Y-harnesses that I use specifically for the times where OD is needed.


When I am marshalling, I generally wear a Brown, Tan or OD T-Shirt (uniform depending) with an OD or Sandy Camelpak. In the winter time, and the cool mornings, I also wear my BDU shirt with nametape and team logos. I always have a whistle, stopwatch, and camera. I have recently added a red beret to my marshal loadout to help identify my self as a non-combatant, and as always, my Bugz goggles, and my combat boots. I have Jungle, Desert, and Leather combat boots.


When I play, and it does happen, I carry around my M16-A4. Depending upon the season and scenario, I wear Woodland, 3 Color or 6 Color sandies. I wear a matching Camelpak (OD or Sandy) and the correctly coordinated H-harness. I will admit, I haven't really played with the MOLLE stuff... which is only woodland. Depending upon what game is going on, I will either use midcaps or hicaps, and either a red/green dot site or spotter scope. I prefer using midcaps, but am looking to eventually "upgrade" to standard mags. I reserve my OD uniform for special occasions, as it is set up for Vietnam reenactments. As mentioned above, I always wear my Bugz goggles, but as far as head gear, I like to mix it up. I have a k-pot, several boonies, and some patrol caps. I wear boots based upon my uniform. I have a Shemagh, but I only use it when called upon to do so. While using the H-harness, I find that using the default mag pouches provide all I need. When using the Y-harness, I tend to use at least two double-mag pouches. I use my large leg pockets as my dump pouch. Oh, and my pistol, a TM HiCappa 5.1 with a couple different holsters, depending upon my loadout.


So I suppose utility is the name of my loadout.

I've only played a few times, and they have all been indoor CQB. 


That being said, I usually run my G&G M-4 with 1 high cap and 2 mid caps (all the mags I have...noob) and my KJW Sig Sauer P226 (until I dropped the mag and some high-speed individual picked it up, but failed to return it).  I have a red-dot on the carrying handle, but have also zeroed my iron sights in the event that the red dot goes down. 


I wear BDU trousers, a black under armor t-shirt, an O.D. green tac-vest, blue USAF ball cap, Iron Face half mask, ESS goggles and Merrill hiking shoes (for a good balance of stability and traction on the warehouse floor).  I've also played in my ABUs but the desert boots that are authorized with the uniform did not track well on the concrete floor. 


Not sure how I'll customize my kit for outdoor play, but I think I may run a web belt an y-harness for my gear and perhaps a Kevlar instead of my patrol cap.  I'm sure it will be trial and error as I play more outdoor games.


Basically, I want a mix of comfort and economy of space.

There is nothing wrong with having only a couple mags. Generally speaking it takes me all day to go through an entire hicap. Midcaps can last me most of the day.
yeah i only carry 3 80 round mid caps. granted i only use semi auto (mostly) but it really is jsut depending on your style of play. everyone so far seems to have pretty good ideas of what their loadouts are/what they like them to be, and already can change them to suit their needs. pretty awesome :P

Midcaps all the way... though I just got some 20 round Magpul VN style mags.... thats is the real way to fight. I only use semi.

I run semi, I would say 99% of the time.  I suppose the only time I would go full is if I was called to throw down some heavy suppressive.  So, I guess my mags should do fine.  I'll probably get more though; just for fun ;).  Thanks for the comments all.
I've switched from ACU to Woodland. My tac gear is all OD and consists of a plate carrier with dual stack pouches and a Camelback hydration system and drop leg holster. I'm shooting for as much "realism" (no disrespect to the troops) as possible. My current loadout is a Classic Army M4 that is heavily customized. I have added a Matrix free float RIS with a tightbore 509mm barrel. It's running a 7.4v Lipo. I also threw on am ACOG R/G dot scope for the long shots. My back up is a full metal Kalashnikov AK47. Low ROF and FPS, but smokin' accuracy. It's a little on the loud side, so I added a mock silencer stuffed with foam to reduce the decibels a touch. My side arm is a WE 1911 with single stack 15+1 mags.
"sigh" why does everyone enjoy woodland so much... lol I don't care personal preference really. I prefer the wonderful look of marpat! Pheonix is going to kill me...
Spartan: There is just no improving on perfection, . . . . Heheh.

- D-Boys Scar-L AEG with a 9.6 battery
- 4 300 round Hi-caps
- Marpat Camo

I carry as little as possible with me so I can stay mobile and play very aggressively.

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