Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

First off, I wish to thank the following people:

Thank you Komissar, Scramble, and Phoenix for your input on my first solo Op.

Thank you Just Joe, Tank, and Komissar for the impromptu build day.

Thank you to my wife for putting up with me these last several weeks.

Thank you Joe Laderoute, and Kirk Erickson for helping with set up on Friday.

Thank you Jen and Tank for helping with props on Saturday.

Thank you Bill, and everyone else who helped feed the masses.

Thank you John with JF Paintball and Airsoft for your support.

Thank you Komissar and Katianna for allowing us the use of your back yard to camp and play in.

Most importantly thank you all for attending.

The US forces were dropped late Friday night, their orders to secure the site for the listening post. The Insurgent forces, meanwhile, ever wary, were ready for whatever the US drop might mean for them. OpCom tried hard to distract these individuals, claiming a lost goat and randomly firing off shots into the night, but both teams held fast. After the US signaled for the equipment drop, the insurgent forces went forward and quickly overran the US position. During the night, additional US and Iraqi Army forces pushed off the insurgent forces during the night at some point.

Morning found the US forces atop President's rock, with the insurgent forces patrolling their village. Unbeknownst to the US forces, Iranian Intelligence was running a recruiting operation with the local populous, though it ultimately proved fruitless. The US and Iraqi military set up a parameter and then went to collect their equipment at drop point Blue 1. They were met with resistance, but eventually overcame it and captured back their equipment. The CIA was contacted by a member of the insurgent forces and requested to be extracted out of country in exchange for vital information. The Iranians caught wind of this, and ordered the traitor killed. The US forces fought valiently and secured the rescue of the defector, who was airlifted via the Fulton surface-to-air recovery system. The US forces returned to their Iraqi Army allies just in time to assist them in repelling an almost overwhelming attack by insurgent forces. The Iranian operatives, with the help of the insurgent push, secured the body of an American soldier and displayed it for the disbelieving Iraqi townspeople.

Fighting subsided for a moment, and the US and Iraqi military forces were able to secure their positions. The insurgents retreated back into the village. The town's leader approached the US forces, now believing that they were in his town, and asked why they should be allowed to operate in his village. The US commander laid it on the line straight. There was going to be war in their area, which side would they choose? Do they want to be in front of American guns or behind them? Taking this into consideration, the village leader confronted the insurgents and their Iranian puppet masters with and wanted to know why the village should tolerate them. The Iranian officers and insurgent leader considered this, and offered peace and an influx in funds to assist the village rebuild and prosper.

With the listening post built, and the defector debriefed, the US forces learned of the Iranian involvement and sought to capture vital intelligence papers to bring to the attention of the international community. During their operation, the village leader shot at the US forces, and it was clear which direction the village had taken. With the intelligence recovered, and listening post established, it was clear that it was time for the US to get out of Iraq before things got really ugly. They fought hard and were successfully extracted.

Please, tell me what you liked and didn't like about my first solo Op. I am looking forward to planning my next one.

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2 cents from Just Joe


First and formost, I had a LOT of FUN. I missed the night op, so I cant really comment there.   The Day op I made and it seemed to run very smoothly. I got plenty of trigger time.  I had the benifit of getting to run with Furge so while I didnt get any specific orders, I wasnt the Boss so that was ok.  I liked the Amount of roleplay that was involved in talking with the "Neutral" Fuel station, storyline you can grab and run with is just as much fun as running and gunning. Late in the day was the only time I acutally ran into anything that made me raise an eyebrow.  There was a breakdown in communication regarding the contents of Silo.  Now, this could have been because I didnt have a radio, Could have been because no one knew, or because no one told me, or because someone told me and I didnt pay attention.  I still dont know, Just felt like at the end I was hanging out with no real objective.  So I ended up playing hide and seek with a guy in Blue 2, while trying to get a friendly sniper to take him out. I still had fun even if I didnt know what I should have been doing.  


Good op I had lots of fun!

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