Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

So, I figured I'd ask chaps. What grade ammo do you use?

I've loaded my Sidearm with some generic, but not entirely seamless .12g's, as the .2g's seem to slug out of it far to slow for my liking.

My primaries however are all stocked with seamless .2g's for that nice ballance between velocity and punch. I'm looking to get a chance to test my Mk43 with .25's however, at the rate it spits rounds, the weight is almost a non-issue with it.

So guys, what kinda rounds are you packing?

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Cheer's guys, I appreciate it.

Uggg,nightmares about shattering BB's now

Phoenix said:

I'd go ahead and use the BB's you got but switch to "professional" brand BB's next time you buy some. There's more to a quality BB than just shape and seams; the material they're made with is important too. A lot of us use mesh eye protection and low quality BB's are more apt to shatter on impact than good quality BBs.

we'll see them on the field, and if you need any help there's a lot of us who can help.

I use .20 bbs for all of my guns now but i am mid process in changing to 100% .25 bbs. If i have a gun that shoots below 300 fps with .25s than i use .20 bbs.

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