Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

I would like to say Hello and introduce myself. I'm Matthew 'Ghost Pirate' Timoszyk. I just turned 44 yesterday and I live in Yuba City with my wife Robin and my teenage daughter Serena. I am former USAF - Desert Shield/Desert Storm Veteran. I am the Executive Chef at Hillcrest Catering at the Plaza Room.

I may be new to airsoft but I have a deep background in WWII reenacting. As my profile states I have fought in 1st Infantry Division 'Big Red 1', 101 Airborne, 7th Infantry Division and 9th SS Panzer Division. While I was in the 1st I.D. (my primary unit) I earned the rank of Sergeant. I have fought in numerous types of terrain to include urban at the former Army post Fort Ord in Monterey. I have used many type of WWII weapons powered by blank ammunition from M1 Garand all the way up to 50 cal. MG. My primary weapons were the M3 'Grease Gun' and a 1911 .45 or a 9mm P38.

As you can see by my profile I do own two springer rifles and one CO2 pistol. I still believe that I can be an effective Operator with a single action rifle and a semi-automatic pistol. As my budget allows I will be adding an AEG to my arsenal.

As I am starting anew with airsoft I look forward to learning from the veteran operators, learning new skills and most importantly having fun. Any tips, advice or things you would like to share I greatly appreciate it.

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Replies to This Discussion

What kind of information are you seeking, Ask away.

I know the battles rules to reenacting but I don't know the battle rules for airsoft. I do realize that rules can differ from field to field and group to group.

Here are the rules as of 2010:

Here is some more random trivia for your viewing pleasure:

Here is a random photo of a turtle:

The rules are simple enough...I like the turtle!

Is there use of non pyro grenades? 

yes and no grenades have to actually detonate no prop jobs Thunder Bs are a good choice.

check these out

Cool! Any other fun 'toys'?

Basically the only way to be killed is to be hit with a BB, with the exception of "mercy" weapons (rubber training knives or bayonets). Therefore pyro grenades are just for effect, and I think they're usually prohibited anyways due to the fire danger.

There are BB-projecting claymores and grenades if you are seeking something to that effect.

the Ghost Pirate...

Looks like you're ready to go. Are you going to be there this Saturday?

I just checked my work schedule and I should be able to make it out...I'm limited on gear...but I am very willing to battle...the Ghost Pirate...

if you have a gun, eye protection,  and a cover you be fine.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all of you that will be at this Saturday's mission. I will be joining you this Saturday...

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