Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

I'm trying to locate military uniform & equipment surplus stores in the Sacramento area. Any suggestions?

 Ghost Pirate

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Action Military Surplus sells a wide variety of military uniforms and camouflage. 

I would recommend that you skip the Surplus stores due to the current "gun craze" as they are fast becoming less and less of "Surplus" and more like "collectors items" where suddenly everything is "one of a kind". If you are looking for uniforms and tac gear I would propose JF Paintball as the staff there are truly "one of a kind". If you are looking for on line ordering most of my specialty uniforms came from BDU.COM as a full set (Pants, Jacket, Cover) came in at around $80 - this was before JF so give them a try first.

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