Time: October 13, 2012 from 9:30am to 4pm
Location: Draex Field
Event Type: airsoft, game
Organized By: Northman
Latest Activity: Oct 13, 2012
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In the wake of Project Mayhem the govt of the United States has fractured and broken. 10 years of natural disasters, civil war, and chaos have turned the former United states into a 3rd world country. Unrest racks the once great nation. In the former state of California 3 factions have emerged to try to gain control of the lands belonging to the former state of California.
The New California Republican Guard - As Southern California Fell one man emerged and seized control of the lower half of the state, Clint Eastwood rallied what was left of the Local military and warring gangs, turning them into his own fighting force. He intendes to hold The State together in an effort to re-establish the former "Legitamite" government.
The Golden Bear Army - Starting as a group of former farmers, militia, and and discontents, the GBA has become a power by Advocating a return to Democracy and self sufficiency, but on a small level that would make Cali powerful but leave the rest of the former nation to its self,
The Confederated Californian Counties - The CCC wants a strong Nation, but living in California, that is where they intend to start. They believe that democracy has failed and a new power needs to arise in the lands of the former USA. They are highly organized and almost fanatical in their beliefs.
Step into the boots of one of these Factions. Opress or Enlighten your oposition. We are Looking for about 30 Operators who want to have some fun, put them selves in odd situations and look at the world from a slightly post-apocalyptic angle.
Weapon Load Outs and Equipment Will be restricted for some scenarios through out the day. Shotguns, Pistols and SMGs are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
1 Faction will Be wearing Civilian Style Clothing, That's Blue Jeans and T-Shirts OR Solid BDUs (NO Camo)
If you wish to attend, please send a Registration Email to JoetheDstguy@gmail.com With Headhunters Oct 13th as the subject
- Your Real Name
- Operator Handle,
- let me know if You CAN NOT provide your self with a Shotgun, Pistol, or SMG style Weapon.
- Let me know if you would be willing To change sides in the middle of the Day
More relative to the op here: I'm glad this has a weapons restriction going on we need to some people out of their comfort zones. I'm not too worried about this myself as I tend to rotate guns every game. I think this is going to really push the limits of how people play and adapt to the situation at hand.
Merlin, never worry about what you want be able to do focus on what you will have to do. This is a great place to play airsoft. I travel with a fairly large core team and we come here every month with out hesitation. Don't worry. NO ONE here is the "best" everyone here has their own skill set and all of us just want to have fun. Remember; Honor Above All.
Hey thanks for the replies everyone, makes me feel better about this upcoming event, if i dont have to worry about doing good on the scoreboards it takes a lot of worry off my mind, also im glad that you all play the game for honor and fun, its the way i like to play and i admit i was worried that this was a level of game-play that only kills and skills mattered. oh and Phoenix your name truly works for you, just like Merlin defines me, also dont worry about me and hills, years of cross-country pays off.
i didnt even know there was a mark to hit komissar.
I'm likin' the discussion troops. You really hit the mark!
We Currently have 22 Registered Operators!!! WooHoo!!! so we only have a few spots left open. Please make sure you have sent me a Registration Email!! if you havent gotten a Conformation Email back that says "Registration Received, Await Futher Orders" I have probobly not gotten you email.
A note on Weapon Resitictions.
Pistols, Shotguns, Sub machine guns are RECOMENDED not REQUIRED. If all you have to bring out is an M4, then bring it. Thats cool. I understand that not everyone has a stockpile of odd airsoft guns laying around! :) Dont Stress
And If you have Spare Pistols Shotguns or SMGs. Bring them. other people might want to use them.
The only time "points" matter is on our regular missions days we track missions completed to determine a winning side. On those days and in those games you can earn up to 3 points as a team. I've ran two ops that were scored for the same reason (the stories were open ended so a score was necessary). For the most part individuals play against themselves and compete against their own personal score. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter how many kills you get so long as the day was a fun day and you got the job done. we'll like you more for killing no one but being honorable and having a great attitude than if you dominated everyone and was a jerk about it (which it sounds like you won't do).
To be a truly "dangerous" player on our field you gotta be the most honorable, the best team player, the best at getting the mission completed (both on an individual and team level) and have the most fun. Those are the guys that get it and come back and improve their game and become one with their team If you're known to be a KIA monster you will be avoided and shut down (no one likes rezing 1,000,000 times). Your first impression relies on what Edric said, your honor and attitude. You could be the worst player ever on your first game and still fit in cause you took it like a champ and still had fun. Its why my call sign is Phoenix, I spent 90% of my first game walking back and forth from a rez point. Trust me, you'll do fine. The operators you'll meet will be worth fighting with and the terrain isn't that bad (stay above the road if you're out of shape though).
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