Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Well, after reading through some of the descriptions, and seeing that I originally posted this in February of 2009, I figured I had better update my own post. Thank Phoenix for the inspiration.

My usual position on the team is point, and for that reason my kit reflects a high mobility, quick reaction set-up. I prefer to wear Woodland BDU's for the fact that they are still about the best camoes in high foilage, forested terrain typical of the field I am on. Standard Nam-Jungle boots, and an all Molle web setup. Adding gloves, knee protection, a Woodland Marines style cap, and full face mask, (point man takes a lot of fire) rounds out my field kit.

I have attached a minimal amount of pouches, keeping them attached high on my webbing to reduce drag while running, and moving through the brush. I carry M4, hi-cap or mid-cap mags located in one or two M4 pouches to my left side, and an all purpose pouch at the back (useful for extra BB's, batteries, and even lunch). On the rare occasion when I attach an M203 launcher to my M4, I add two 48 round star shells in a shell pouch on my belt to the right. My canteen has been replaced by a Camelback, and a K-Bar (a gift from my wife), is now attached to my left harness strap. My radio rides on my left shoulder in it's own pocket, and I carry a digital camera in a pouch opposite. 

My M4 suffers from an upgraded 120 spring, and occasionally an R/G scope, and/or the 'mosquito' M203 launcher.

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Okay guys, so, after much, much searching for all my entry level gear, I think I've finally got a loadout I'm happy with that is all organised and waiting for me as soon as I get back to California. As it stands...

Flecktarn Jacket and combat webbing.

Generic woodland Camo pants. and a pair of Taipan boots. (Summary, steel soled and capped firefighting boots from my days in the CFA. Best I could do on short notice.)

1x Glock 18 by Tokyo Mauri with 2 magazines total.

1x A&K Mk43Mod0 with 1 Box magazine.

And finally, my latest and I think so far, best snag.

1x MP5A4 (Not sure on brand, but it's a Mauri clone) with 8 Magazines.

And around about 20,000 rounds to fuel it all.

For a silly damn Aussie with really only vauge idea's on the entire sport... I think I've done pretty well for myself.

Full German Flecktarn (Woodland) Camouflage set and Webbing. (Appropriately with Australian flag patches)

3 Liter camel pack.

M88 Helmet with Flecktarn Cover

Flecktarn Boonie


Taipan boots.

1x Glock 18 by Tokyo Mauri with 2 magazines total.

1x A&K Mk43Mod0 with 2 Box magazines, 3500 rounds each.

1x MP5A3 with 8 Mid-cap Magazines.

1x Echo-1 SCAR-H w/Suppressor (For looks), Modified with Bi-pod and EOTech + Aimpoint 4x magnifier, 3 Hi-cap 500 round mags.

20,000 rounds.

2 spare 9.6v mini-type batteries.

Final Edit. I think I'm Set.

See you on the field gents.

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