Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Ok guys im looking for a new sniper rifle and I don't know much about them and could use some advice on which direction I should look.   I stopped by JF and they have some UTGs
Master Sniper for 130 that shoots 400fps  or
Shadow Ops Sniper for 170 at 425
but I have seen some great deals online that shoot faster for around the same price as the 130.  I would like my gun to shoot 400 with .3s for I feel as a sniper you need it.  Anybody with some suggestions would be appreciated thanks in advance

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And whats up with the hop up system Im sure its better to have even on a sniper right?
Lets call it a Bolt-Action Rifle.

Sniper is a name for someone who uses a variety of well practiced skills. Very few airsoft operators have this understanding. What they call snipers are designated marksmen using long rifles, and bolt action rifles.

I suggest the J Bar 10 as a good starter bolt action rifle. It has some simple upgrades that can be done with little cost.
If you find you like that style of operating, you can invest in a more expensive one later.
All of the Bolt action rifles I have seen have a hop-up system similar to an AEG.
I have a Tokyo Marui 6mm Semi Automatic PSG-1 Rifle with a 500 round high capacity Magazine, 590mm barrel, and a Tasco 4x40 Scope. Brand new condition, only taken it to about 3 games.

(yes, shameless advertising)

Posted are the J Bar10, and the UTG L-96.
you forgot im selling it for $400

I have a Tokyo Marui 6mm Semi Automatic PSG-1 Rifle with a 500 round high capacity Magazine, 590mm barrel, and a Tasco 4x40 Scope. Brand new condition, only taken it to about 3 games.

(yes, shameless advertising)

the utg has a longer barrel and inner barrel but both are great guns

Komissar said:
Posted are the J Bar10, and the UTG L-96.
Sweet Ill check it out thanks guys.

Scramble you are
Yeah i think that UTG is the same as the one at JF whats the cheapest you've seen it for?
and what about scopes? Any good ideas on a decent one thats low cost?
so far about 100 dollars and scopes personally i would not go over 9x32 i would go more for a 4x32 or 6x32

Blazed said:
Yeah i think that UTG is the same as the one at JF whats the cheapest you've seen it for?
Both of these rifles I found online for around $130. Many different companies make rifles that look similar to both rifles, however I listed the name of ones I have read and heard to be good, affordable rifles.
Katie has a 3x9 scope I bought from AEX for $60. She says she wouldn't want anything more.
Take a look next time your out.
Welcome my friend!
tank-where at brother?

Kom- Ill check it out

Im thinking about the UTG though it looks pretty cool and is a more Military like. Is the UTG a copy of american gun and if so what about any good Russian replicas around?

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