Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

  I currently have an Echo1 AK that has done me no wrong in fact its an awesome gun.  I was wondering though on different brands and had a couple in mind like the CA 74 105 but was wondering if its even worth it.  Can anyone give me some ideas on their experience with any AK they have used and maybe what company would be a good one to go with.  Im definetely looking towards the wood stock and see TM makes a nice one but comes out shooting only around 300.  Though Ive heard arguments that its quality and accuracy makes up for the lack of speed...... Any thoughts?

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I have a friend who used to run with a Classic Army AK-47 in all wood and mettle. It looks beautiful and shoots right around 395-410FPS. This rifle however had a mind of its own and was rather moody. It seemed like this rifle was alway in the shop getting something minor fixed every other week. I am not sure what the reasoning behind all these trips to AEX was but it seemed always to be unavailable. One story I will relate regarding this AK was in 2008. He and I were sitting on the floor loading up mags for the game. We both had our rifles laying on the floor next to us as we worked when suddenly the AK began firing full auto. There was no one touching it, it just started having at it. Regretfully for me I took a good number of hostile BBs to my hind end as he wrestled the mag out out of the bewitched rifle. We still to this day have no idea how this happened, but as it is both amusing and worrisome I figured I would add it to this story. One last bit regarding AK's is that Big Red also carries a Classic Army AK identical to the before mentioned rifle and has never had an issue with it for almost the three years he has had it. He does not come out much anymore and I do not know if he even still plays so I am not sure how helpful this is but this is the extent of my AK information.
I hope this is helpful.
Thats good stuff esp. about the hind end, who could disregard a story like that. I hear alot of people talk about CAs saying its a good way to go but I also hear a lot of people who are having problems with their CA. I guess its kinda the luck of the draw it seems for I've heard stories against Echo1 but mine is doing phenomenal. I also need to find out what I can fully do with the Echos. I know the CAs can take TM internals which is good but don't know much about the Echos
Echo1 is basically a TM/CA clone. They are generally cheaper due to cheaper manufacturing and materials. So what can they handle? I don't know.
So what about Real Sword. Beautiful looking gun im sure all the quality is there but it comes out shooting about 300 fps. Is gonna have a higher rate of fire or what I wonder?
Then there is the TM 74 blowback that might be a little louder on the field then I would prefer but looks pretty sick.
real sword i have found is a good quality brand but i am unsure about upgrades for itand what can be used and also parts for the gun might be hard to find as well TM is an great brand but again parts are hard to come by and you know classic army is tried and true for its parts and the availability of the parts too
Chiming in!
I don't know any more about the AK's than Scramble has said. I don't have my contact anymore either, I'm sorry to say. Looking for another and will let you know if I find anything.
As for what I do know, . . . most of the Corps runs M4 variants. It's easy to find one made by a quality manufacturer. They're simple to work on, and finding parts or bolt-ons is far quicker than anything else out there. Function is about the same as an AK, but I can drop a mag to almost any other guy on the team to keep everybody in the fight. (Had to do this a time or two)
As often as we use them, AK or M4, they will eventually have an issue. Good idea to carry two.
hi ...echo 1 just came a out with a new ak...Red Star ..iv held it it is nice ...wood is a good match...some of the ca wood ak dont match ..

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