What do you think, to bang or not to bang? This is the question that we must ask ourselves. On more than one occasion I have bang-killed someone who doesn't take it and in turn shoots me, runs away, or simple hides behind cover. The "if he moves shoot him" thing doesn't work to well all the time. Some of the time you say bang and they hold the trigger down and hose you and the surrounding area. You do not always have the time to say bang, wait for a responce and then shoot if you do have a person move in a threatening way. The real question is, should we just shoot regardless of distance rather than say bang? The only stipulation to this is that it is at the operators discretion to say bang or not to say bang. Safety must be maintained, this is a must. What kind of compromise can be found in order to maintain safety and yet at the same time improve the Bang kill rules.