Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

Your thoughts on sponsoring a team competition event here at DRAEX field.

My thoughts:
Diamond Corps would sponsor (friendly or competitively), an event which would invite local (not exclusive), teams to compete in an event held here at our field.

More on this soon, . . .

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Yes this event is still in planning for spring/summer. Teams would compete by running one at a time against a set of linked missions, for the best time and results. The Corps troops would act as the static enemy force for balance.

No prizes expected at this time, but then I haven't worked on any sponsorship for quite a while. Could happen. I would rather keep things in a competitive spirit. People can tend to get a little thick skinned when it's for prizes.

I'll let you know more when I can, . . .

Working on Operation: CASTLE 3 currently. Busy, busy, busy.

One idea, instead of like prizes, is to have maybe (sorta around the camp area) a like 5 foot tall wood wall or something and the winning team gets their name on there/date etc. And under it would be the name of another winning team from another tournament. So the prize would be like recognition. Just a quick idea...if it was understandable at
Nice suggestion Spidedd, . . . that gives me some ideas.
Sounds good, I like the idea of the wall. I guess I'll have to start training my team to fight Diamond Corps haha!
I second Tank's motion. Ooorah!!!!
What was Tank's motion? I missed something.

Komissar said:
What was Tank's motion? I missed something.
A raffle could be cool, maybe a pistol or something as a grande prize, bbs, goggles, just an idea but i will definatly go. If you post it they will come (in creepy god voice)
This does open the field up to cheating teams but other than that sounds like a dang good event.
More Marshals enforcing DRAEX's strict rules, especially the ones relating to honor and cheating would eliminate that possibility. Take a look at the people who make regular appearances to Missions Days, whats common about them: no cheating. When someone is caught cheating they aren't invited back. There's been some full teams that haven't been asked back because of this. I'm not worried about it.

i like it and hopefully i can be there for it i would have to say invitation only due to the fact that some teams are umm how to put this umm.... i think you know chris also i second pheonix's idea of mor marshals

You guys sound very touchy about new players being on the field.  Do you guys get alot of cheaters on this field ?  I've only been here once and had a great time with every one, as a matter a fact we got our asses kicked pritty good still i cant help but notice that as soon as a newer player wrote some thing aggressive yet fun on this page "Three months after any one has made any comments" most of the following comments are about new teams and cheaters. Talk about not making new players feel welcome. My first experience on this website was very much the same, it's too bad because i really liked it out there and i got 500 airsofters that wanna play airsoft on my website. How can i recommend them to play at a field were they are not gonna feel welcome  and get this kind of attitude from the regulars. This is airsoft and some times we gotta roll with the punches that means braking in the noobs from cheating and keeping the honest ones honest. We all gotta do our part not just the field marshalls, if you play with honor and see a team mate cheat call your self out and your team mate out and tell him "i dont roll that way"........

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