Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

So everyone I wanted to let you all know that I am preparing a Vietnam era op. this is currently in the works and a date has not yet been posted but i wante to give you all ample time to prepare a kit and to have your guns ready due to the restrictions of the op. if you do not adhere to these guidlines you will not be able to participate. i can post a few pictures there is also a few pictures on the site as well.


For kit i would like to see everyone try and get a full authentic looking kit. i would like it to look authentic so if you need something here are some good websites here and here and here or ebay. you can find almost everything here. i will not allow molle vests but if you have molle pouches that is ok just try to get original pieces. no woodland or modern what so evaaaaaah. now for uniforms like i said i will not accept any woodland or modern uniforms. you must follow the exact guidelines below. below i will go over things you must have exact and things that are more suggested or recomended.


  • US forces must have - acceptable uniforms will be Vietnam era OD and tiger stripe jacket and pants with black or OD boots preferably jungle boots (no tan boots or hunting boots ). for covers you must have one of the following. For OD the cover will be a OD boonie or an OD helmet K-pot (with Mitchel Helmet cover NO EDRL or Woodland Cover). For Tiger stripe  it would either be a tiger stripe boonie or an OD helmet with Mitchel cover (no Tiger cover).
  • US forces Kit - no molle vests my suggestion is going on the website above or going to your local surplus store to find an OD pistol belt with a Y harness. vietnam era H harnesses are definitly recomended and highly appreciated but a Y harness will do great. for pouches i will accept OD molle pouches but try to make sure all your pouches have molle on them.
  • US forces weapons - now i will accept all weapons but if you could try to get your guns looking as close to, if not exactly it would be appreciated (also no painted guns too please i will still accept them though).  M16 VN style, Colt Xm177 (VN style M4), M14 (with wood stock), M60 VN, Stoner Mk. 23 machine gun, M79 grenade launcher, M700 (bolt action wood stock). now there will be no red dots or optics or fore grips or flash lights or rail accessories or mock   the bolt actions will be the only exception the the optic clause the only thing is try and make it look like VN style. this is not to restrict anyone who has an AK or a G36 but try to have an M4 style rifle. any pistol will be accepted but 1911 or revolver of VN era would be recomended (no modern holsters).painted guns are frowned upon (slightly discouraged but if it is all you have then it will be accepted).


  •   NVA forces must have - acceptable uniforms will be all black pants and long sleeve shirt with a black and white shemagh or the identification scarf (basically the same thing) or tan long sleeve BDU with OD pants and boots... plese don't try and go original VC wth sandals or clogs it will just end up with you being hurt. now for a cover the all black will be wearing a san pan or can go without anything but try and get a san pan (rice hat typical asian hat (not trying to be racist)). for the Tan shirts and OD pants a san pan will work but the OD pith helmet or a VN NVA "patrol cap" (can be found on the websites above). on the pith helmet if you want to get the net that goes over the top and if you want to fill it with folliage more power to ya and it will look more authentic.
  • NVA forces Kit - again NO MOLLE vests. there is an AK vest on the websites above. the AK canvas chest rig also a pistol belt with a dump pouch or whatever you want to put on it. you can also go with the US sides Y harness or H harness rig. also the Combat sport supplies sight has a lot of extra goodies too that you can add to your kit.
  • NVA forces weapons - i will accept all weapon types but if you can stick to the list and make it look authentic. now this is were things get a little tough but i will give you a long list of weapons. for starters i will go over the popular weapons the AK 47 (and the chinese variant), the SKS rifle (if anyone finds a good aeg version you are da man if you make one you are a even better than the man), the monsin nagant.... if that is how you spell it, the PPSH 41. now there are a few less popular guns that they used such as the thompson, M1 garand and M1 carbine, also they took the M14 and M16 off dead soldiers so basically you can have an M16 or M4 but if you have an AK or a PPSH that would make it that much more real. painted guns are frowned upon (slightly discouraged but if it is all you have then it will be accepted).


With all this i am not trying to exclude anyone, i am trying to make an op seem as real as possible. the more you put into your rig the more realistic it will feel (and if you go ot a different game others will be envious hehehe).


if you have any questions or any thing you want to make sure will work such as rubber knives let me know and i will try and help ya with it. also let me know your thoughts or if you want to add anything. so far the missions are in the works and it will be coming to an airsoft field near you (hehehe). anyways hope you guys have fun putting your kits together.


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For Andrew

Disussing realizim:

Sarge is using a Scope on his M16 (did not use)

The flash hider on all M16s are incorrect as well as the magazines used.

Scramble is wearing what apears to be Hi-tech hiking boots.

Scramble and Flapjack have camel pack water supplies.

The pockets on the field jackets (might) be incorrect.

And the length of Scramble, Flapjack, and Komissar's hair is a bit longer than military requirements! (Looks cool , wish my wife would let me rock the frock!)


My point is that I don't think Tank is going to turn you away cause you don't look like you walked out of 1968!  Getting as close to the real thing is ideal.

Probably could get away with green pants, black hiking boots, and a greet t-shirt.  We have a DC operator already stating that he is going to show up with his Masada.


Heck, if you are going for VC, head to a thrift store and purchase a used ninja costume. Then just get a straw hat and a red and white checker scarf.

Really though, the uniform should be the least expensive part of the proposition. If you shop at Denio's Roseville Farmers Market with any frequency, you will usually find at least 1 or 2 booths full of surplus. While Marysville's "surplus" store generally deals in new only equipment, I know that the surplus store in Grass Valley has a great selection of Vietnam style uniforms and equipment. K-Pots for example, you can probably pick one up for between 10 and 20 bucks.

This Op will probably fall into late summer, I am heading home to Oregon in late July, early August. There is a surplus store where I generally spend at least 60 bucks at every time I go home. Komissar can attest to the great deals I find as I was able to pick up some fairly nifty deals for some DC operators there. I plan on going there when I am up to shore up my VN load out. I may be able to purchase excess items for folks to purchase from me at cost. (Likely very inexpensive)

These kinds of restrictions are not meant to discourage people from attending, but more to create a more realistic atmosphere for those who choose to attend. You would be amazed at how much an OD uniform and K-Pot on your head change the entire feel of the game.

yes later on in the op sarge was asked to take the scope and the silencer off of his gun but overall they have the general look i posted that picture for an example of someone who would get something close but not exact i am the same way i have the modern m16 and my mags are the long type als oi have molle stacker pouches on my web kit but everything else is pretty close to what we need i would like for people to get exact kit but i know that finacially and realistically it is not possible so if you can get the uniform and the basic kit it would be great. hence why the NVA and VC can have a web kit instead of the AK chest rig.

I do civil war re-enacting and they have a term for anything anachronistic is "farb" or farby. To de-farb to the degree you're looking at is unrealistic for a one off (maybe) airsoft op. Get it as far as you can and jimmy rig the rest so it's close. I have generic od pants and a late '70's through whenever the air force phased out od BDU's jacket. If I don't get a k-pot by then I'll be sporting an is cap or boonie. It's good enough to fit in. My kit is better but only just and like Bluewolf pointed out the only thing Vietnam about my Masada will be its vn style mags. Ops like this are for the education and fun, accuracy just highlights it. Just keep OD in your head and you'll be fine.

Oh and yes the pockets are not period correct from what I see. Pockets should be slanted not vertical. There's my kick on the dead horse ;-)

I hope you understand it was not a dig on the Masada...Awsome gun!

I was just trying to point out that we are all going for "as close as possible".

thank you peter for the last little bit on your post i am not trying to discourage im trying to make it more realistic instead of 3 people in a good looking kit and everyone else in big molle plate carriers and Modern helmets with red dots and nick nacks... like i said i can understand if you do not have the right gun that is ok. and i agree with bluewolf. close as possible is appreciated.

Okay. I'll get as close as I can. Thanks for setting this up, Tank!

No I know blue, everyone loves the Masada. :-)

also sorry peter but not to dog on you but the red and white checkered was camera rouge... however it is spelled and pronounced but that is a cambodian faction the VC wore White and black checkered sorry to be such a stickler

Alright troops its a month and counting so i need 22 troopers fully registered to run this op. so far i have 11 attending. frag orders and team assignments will be sent out 2 weeks before the op.

The red and white was less common, but mainly used in southern operations in the first part of the war. =P

hmm never heard of it in vietnam i learn something new everyday

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