So, I figured I'd ask chaps. What grade ammo do you use?
I've loaded my Sidearm with some generic, but not entirely seamless .12g's, as the .2g's seem to slug out of it far to slow for my liking.
My primaries however are all stocked with seamless .2g's for that nice ballance between velocity and punch. I'm looking to get a chance to test my Mk43 with .25's however, at the rate it spits rounds, the weight is almost a non-issue with it.
So guys, what kinda rounds are you packing?
I use .25's in just about all my weapons. Though I try to load my shotgun and pistol with .20's when I have them on hand.
I use nothing lighter than .23's unless I'm borrowing others' BBs. Just a personal preference based on experience.
Fox, get some good quality BB's and use them, either .20's or .25's. Stop using the generics, they can damage your gun or at best just frustrate you.
What brand weapons do you own? I'm curious why your pistol seems to suffer so greatly with .20's but not with .12's
i swap between using .25's and .20's for my carbine, i use .25's for the best range and accuracy, with .25's i can shoot accurately up to 75 yards and .20's only 50. so depending on the terrain, weather and distances i will likely swap between the 2 with operations
My Sidearm is a TM Glock18C EBB, powered by 4 AAA batteries, so it doesn't have the same punch as their other model of the 18C. That, and it might be how I have the hop up adjusted. I'm not to fussed if the BB's fry it, I want to get said other model anyway. If it comes to me using my Sidearm, It's full auto for a reason.
I was planning on fiddling with it tonight with the .20's and getting the hop-up's on everything leveled anyways, so I'll see how I go with that.
I got a tub of Black-ops .20g Seamless polished one's I'mma use in the upcoming op this weekend, walmart sold though, so... I'd happily get my paws on some decent .25's If my budget wasn't burning through my pocket as it is :P Maybe after I get back from Aus.
Phoenix said:
I use nothing lighter than .23's unless I'm borrowing others' BBs. Just a personal preference based on experience.
Fox, get some good quality BB's and use them, either .20's or .25's. Stop using the generics, they can damage your gun or at best just frustrate you.
What brand weapons do you own? I'm curious why your pistol seems to suffer so greatly with .20's but not with .12's
For the majority of my guns I chrono with .25, then I got permission to use heavier. So I will generally run a .30. In my new AK build, I'll probably run .28's. Heavier the better.
I don't trust .12s because they're all pretty much made by low quality companies. For my lower powered guns I use G&G and ICS .20s. For my KWA m4, and KWA sig 226 I use .25s, and for my sniper rifle I use .28s.
I trust G&G because they make high quality BBs at a very competitive price. Same story for ICS although I've heard they might have quality issues but I've never ran into any problems with them.
We mainly sell .25g bb's and at least up here we go through probably twice as many .25's compared to .20's so that pretty much goes for the whole "Grass Valley/Nevada County area." As said by a few, stay away from the Big5, Kmart, Walmart bb's, I have had far to many people come in with guns that have 15-20 bb's STUCK in the barrel and strangly enough the first one is a bb that is very inconsistanly molded. So for you own safety, please dont waste your money on those unless you like sitting out. But for weight, personal preference. Try .20's, then try .25's. Whichever one shoots best to you is the one to use. Every gun is different and every preference is different.
I am not familiar with Black-Ops as a BB brand, but it has always been my experience that any product needing to advertise something that should be a given.
So, last night, after fiddling a bit, the 18C is clearly designed for .12's, and the hop up is fixed, so there's my problem... New sidearm time much.
Everything else though I got set pretty much level, and the .2's I've got I haven't had a single problem with, even doing a 300 round burst from the Mk43, so I trust the ones I have to be pretty consistent They'll keep me loaded for the time being, and that's all I need 'em to do at the moment.
But I'd always be happy to accept a hand fine tuning down at the field come the weekend. Hopefully the weapons live up to expectations.
I'd go ahead and use the BB's you got but switch to "professional" brand BB's next time you buy some. There's more to a quality BB than just shape and seams; the material they're made with is important too. A lot of us use mesh eye protection and low quality BB's are more apt to shatter on impact than good quality BBs.
we'll see them on the field, and if you need any help there's a lot of us who can help.
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