Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

This is the place, if you lost something, chances are it was found. So if you have lost a piece of gear, post here. If it was found and turned in, you will get a message in your inbox.

Do not post lists of things you have found here.

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any word on a ghilie hood? left it up there a while back... If not, no sweat, I have a spare

 Anyone missing a green shemag? I came home with two.

I lost a blue, Kershaw spring-assist knife on the field today.. Let me know if it shows up? thanks!

Missing:  203 launcher with blue s-thunder shell. 

Wow, that's a big item. You can't have dropped it on the field, I am guessing you would have noticed. Missing from the ready area?

Yes, the Vietnam hand guard as well.  It could be around at my house but I am just trying to cover all possibilities.  The last opt is where I last remember it.  I had a bit of a hasty pack up, this was the opt where you left early and I was putting a lot of items away.

OD Evike watter bottle lost below the road during second evo.

lost my kpot has widows mark and loose inner liner plastic with white lettering on the inside

I'm missing two 23 round kwa ATP mags. One above red 2, as for the other no idea.

Zach: OD Evike water bottle returned. Had been in the Check-in building for some time.

Tank: Did ya find your K-pot yet? I think we have Sarge's here.

Lost 1 eco power 11.1 3000mah 30c  orange lipo with deans connection lost by manger on red 2 side.

Copy that. I'll take a look around for it.

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