This discussion was originally posted at SEAD in Florida. Thought it would inspire thoughts here.
How do we feel about Chain of Command vs. fun factor?
COWBOY wrote:
"Personally I believe you should have an established chain of command for the OP before the first boot hits the ground. All too often I see things run by a bureaucracy instead of by a few good leaders. Poor leadership leads to poor battlefield initiative, which leads to stagnation which to me = NO FUN.
I know everyone comes out to have fun, certainly we don't need any Patton/Nimitz types barking orders. I feel that once an operator is Team Leader the other operators on that team should defer to his judgment and save the constructive criticism for after the game. I cant stand ten people wanting it done their way, just for the sake of wanting to do it their way."
I would like to hear other's thoughts on this matter