Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

2014 RECON Challenge

Event Details

2014 RECON Challenge

Time: October 18, 2014 to October 19, 2014
Location: Diamond Arrow
Street: 15742 N Bloomfield Rd,
City/Town: Nevada City, CA 95959
Website or Map:…
Event Type: recon, milsim
Organized By: Chris Kalish
Latest Activity: Oct 18, 2014

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Event Description


Operators must register at

Register as one of the following:

Recon Team (4-man team)

HK squad (4+ operators)

HK individual operator

Date: This event will be held on Saturday, October 18th.

Time: Briefings will begin around 1600 on Saturday.

Operations will begin at 1800 Saturday and end around 0100 on Sunday.
Operators are welcome to arrive at Noon Saturday. Not earlier.

Field Donation: $10 per H/K operator, and $20 per RECON operator.

Uniforms: All four operators on each RECON team must wear the same pattern uniform. Your choice.
H/K team operators may wear their choice of uniform.
No civilian attire please.
Bring fully sealed eye protection. Full face protection and gloves are suggested for night OPs.

Required equipment:
All operators will have a RED glow-stick for use as a death rag during the night portion of this event.
All RECON teams must have a designated RTO who has a radio with sub-channels.

Equipment suggestions:
Warm clothing.
Bring your food and drink for day and night.
RECON Engineer should bring a lighter, a knife or cutting tool, maybe even a small saw, pliers for crimping/cutting wires, and a screwdriver (either kind).
RECON Navigator may want to bring a GPS, compass, pen/pencil and large zip-lock bag or map case. His maps are important!

All RECON team operators may consider radios with sub-channels. (Headsets are a nice plus).

All RECON teams should have the ability to carry objects that may need to be retrieved, moved or placed as part of an objective. A dump pouch or backpack should be fine but hands will work too.

All operators would likely benefit from bringing a flashlight.

House Rules will be enforced:
Weapons will chrono under 400fps with 25 gram BB's.
This will be a semi-auto event. SAWs will fire controlled bursts.

More details HERE

Minor updates posted 10/9

Comment Wall


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Comment by John Jensen on October 17, 2014 at 3:37pm

As Komissar noted, parking is limited so if you can carpool PLEASE do to help out. 

Comment by Komissar on October 17, 2014 at 9:38am


AO LOCATION: The address of the AO, 15742 N. Bloomfield Road, Nevada City, will take you to the camp/offices of the Diamond Arrow facility which has over 300 acres of property.

The event AO is NOT located at the offices area, but it is in the wooded area 1/4 mile East of it. Operators arriving for the 2014 RECON Challenge will need to drive past the Diamond Arrow camp/offices and continue East on N. Bloomfield Road for another 1/4 mile. The AO entrance will be the second dirt road off of N. Bloomfield, an will be marked with an event sign.

PARKING: Please pull down into the dirt lot and park. There is space for approximately twenty cars so be courteous and make the best use of the area for fellow operators. Thank You.

WEATHER: The temperatures are expected to be: High of 71 and Low of 50. Partly Cloudy, with 3% chance of rain, and only Crescent of Moon rising at 2000 hours.

See you on the field!

Comment by John Jensen on October 16, 2014 at 10:21pm

One more day....who else would agree that tomorrow will probably be one of the slowest days this entire week. Just got my OpCom packet from Kalish, definitely looks to be a pretty awesome event. 

Comment by Chris Kalish on October 15, 2014 at 11:44pm

Blazed: No intermission planned, game will run continuously. If you can make your way to camp and back out safely you are welcome to come in and reload/resupply but I would expect to be in the field for the night.

Comment by Brett Cox ( aka Farside) on October 15, 2014 at 11:35pm
Works for me and there is always belts.
Comment by Blazed on October 15, 2014 at 11:27pm
Cool! farside needs them so I'll have u guys hook up thanks U THE DUCK!
Comment by Blazed on October 15, 2014 at 11:17pm
Anyone have some spare tiger stripes gear?
Comment by Blazed on October 15, 2014 at 11:15pm
Sweet black panties in Four effect!

Chris Is there gonna be an intermission or can we expect to carry what we need to eat?
Comment by John Jensen on October 15, 2014 at 11:05pm
Chris and kate MAY need another, I am pretty sure Nick broke his foot.
Comment by Chris Kalish on October 15, 2014 at 10:37pm

The last team slot may be filled. Waiting on final response from them. Farside, contact Blazed if you are looking for a spot on a RECON team.

Attending (17)

Might attend (1)


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