Time: January 7, 2012 all day
Location: Star Bend
Website or Map: http://youtu.be/RtSfek1wZbc
Event Type: sac-air, op, star, bend
Organized By: David Allgood & Kevomatic
Latest Activity: Jan 6, 2012
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January 7th, 2012 -- Operation Phoenix Counterstrike
Send in the rocket infantry and leave nothing behind but charred remains.
Promo Video
Hosted by:
Dallgood (David)
Kevomatic (Kevin)
The field is located in the City of Plumas Lake, which is 15 minutes south of Marysville. From Marysville, head south on 70 until you hit Feather River Road. Head West (right if you were heading south on 70) on Feather River Road. Go staight on the stop sign. Road will curve left then right around some farmland. Eventually the road will be heading North. Make a left into the Star Bend Boat Ramp and you've made it. We will be meeting on the west side of the parking lot.
Location: Nam Field just south of Marysville: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=203266036103316215955.0004b0b7fbb9 e7abcc301&msa=0&ll=39.015449,-121.584234&spn=0.022707,0.035105
9:30am -- Arrive
9:45am -- Safety Briefing
10:00am -- Game Starts
One month ago, PAF leader Ali Muhammad Abdullah bin Azcheez successfully launched Operation Phoenix that detonated a nuclear bomb on Jerusalem. Millions were killed in the blast crippling the state of Israel. The success of the attack has catapulted Azcheez into a major public figure of the Palestinian people. It has also placed him as a stage 1 target for Shayetet 13, Israel’s elite commando unit.
Recently, Shayetet 13 has been given the intel of Azcheez’s plans to launch a ralley in hopes to persuade Palestinians to crown him King. The Shayetet will not let this happen and set up roadside bombs to destroy Azcheez and his convoy. While in route, Azcheez’s M113 armor personal carrier (APC) was hit and immobilized with no one wounded. Azcheez immediately calls for reinforcements and finds them to be one hour away. Shayetet 13, armed with RPG-7 rocket propelled grenades, prepare to attack Azcheez in his APC. They have one hour to destroy the APC before PAF reinforcements arrive.
Operation Phoenix Counterstrike: Time: 60 minutes
Game will be played several times switching teams.
Field Rules:
400fps with .20's for AEGs
550fps for Snipers with 100' engagement.
Sniper means SEMI ONLY (bolt action preferred). Sniper must have sidearm or another weapon.
Sholder-fired rocket:
No problem guys. Check out the APC:
we are going to use 2 of my flags and flag stands to hold it up.
Still have too much stuff to finish to make it out. I will miss attending.
This sounds like a lot of fun. I am sorry I am going to have to miss this one.
I would be great to have you out there.
This sounds like a lot of fun, perfect time to dust off the Ghillie and do some repair work on it, so far I have work off that day so with luck it will stay that way.
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