Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

what's the most versatile type of camo? I've heard "woodland" I've heard "army acu digital" I've even heard "flecktarn"... what are your thought's on this?

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I personally like MARPAT for woodland and ACU for a more urban dessert style game. But i have seen a lot of people just where a OD or green vest and some camo pants. It all depends on what you like and where you play. I really hate black vests because you can see them from far away, but tan works nicely (I play in a dead grass/plains style area).

+1 for the marpat/acu statement.ha

Flecktarn is incredible. There are several varieties depending on your terrain, and it is readily available.

I am a Woodland guy all the way, however I have seen the effect of Flecktarn camo and have a healthy respect for the choice. Best way to find out is to try it for yourself!

I use, almost exclusively, woodland amoeba camouflage for all situations. I have found that this style of camouflage works in nearly all situations, is inexpensive, and is readily available at nearly any surplus location.
thank you! will have to try them...
multi cam works well too
I personally prefer MARPAT (woodland, Desert) in each respective environment and TAC Tiger for Night and Urban Operations


I want to know if military fatigue is required to play there,

(I don't have any, and can't get any).

Hey Joseph, welcome to the forum. For your question, no it is not required but does help. There are some players who wear jeans and t-shirts regularly. I personally would recommend at least pants and long sleeve to help keep bugs and poison oak off your bare skin. If you are looking for some camo come on up to JF Airsoft and pick up some, we have 6 different colors at the moment and are all priced very resonably.


thanks, I don't have much money for airsoft, so I was getting a little worried.

what is admission??

I will go ahead and add my weight to the Woodland Amoeba Camouflage. Speaking as a photographer on the field, I frequently have pictures of woods because it works so well under a variety of situations. JF Airsoft has some great options for new, and there are a variety of surplus stores in the area. Grass Valley has a nice one for instance.

Thanks Jensen.

Joseph: As Jensen wrote, it is not a requirement, but highly suggested. I would recommend getting it as soon as you can afford. We used to have a saying out on the field: "If your not wearing camo, you might as well wear neon!"

My opinion written above still holds true today. Woodland is my preferred, and it's also our Diamond Corps team standard. It works. JF Airsoft has the variety and sizes to fit almost anyone same day, and right in the store!

Typically we ask for a $10 donation to the field. I suggest you come out and see if you like it here. Hope to see you out!

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