Airsoft in the YubaCity / Marysville area.

So I am looking for a supply of BB's on line and found that there are many to choose from. So I am asking you all what company's could I go with? I would like to her from you all your sujestions on three companys. So I can try them out.

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I like the Javelin .25 BBs. I have a 6.3 Tight boar barrel and use Classic Hi-capacity mags. I have never had a jam and they come in 4000 count bags.

Sorry about the link; it is long, copy past it in the address bar.
the best BB's i have used are bioval .27 clear bb's. I havent been able to find them in a while so i have been using G&G .28 bio bb's for my AEG's

they have better accuracy than .25's if you have the power and good hop to carry them
Unless you have a really nice tightbore the bb quality doesn't really differ between professional brands. As far as different quality bbs go i've used Madbulls, Javelins, and KSC perfect bbs among a couple of others i didn't really notice a difference. bbs are tough to judge they're such a little thing but they make a world of difference. I've heard good things about Maruzen bbs, but that's just hearsay. personally i like the Javelins and the Madbull bbs they work well and i can't remember if i've ever had a jam.
maruzen are great bbs they come in 6mm and 8mm problem is they are relly expensive

Joseph Aguilar said:
Unless you have a really nice tightbore the bb quality doesn't really differ between professional brands. As far as different quality bbs go i've used Madbulls, Javelins, and KSC perfect bbs among a couple of others i didn't really notice a difference. bbs are tough to judge they're such a little thing but they make a world of difference. I've heard good things about Maruzen bbs, but that's just hearsay. personally i like the Javelins and the Madbull bbs they work well and i can't remember if i've ever had a jam.
TSD or Javelins.25 and .28 bbs i use on a normal basis, and having a Celcius M4A1 with a 6.01mm tight bore barrel, and it cuts madbull bbs in half
I think it is important to point out, however, that cheap bbs are cheap for a reason.

Either in they way they are made, or the materials used.

Back when I played paintball, I had a really useful chart that detailed each pantball brand's consistency in shape and performance. I will keep my eye out for a chart like that for airsoft bbs.
I found this a BB comparison report has information on Spherical Consistency, and other technical info.
Nice posts operators. You gettin' any of this Furge?
wow very thorough good find..... kudos

FAST 5 said:
I found this a BB comparison report has information on Spherical Consistency, and other technical info.
So whats up with Bio vs. NonBio they cant make decent Bios? I say this because I heard some people complaining about it this last game. I didn't realize they were an issue I thought they were good but of course my first batch of so called "bios" were from JF which later I found out they were not bios and I believe I did have more distance. Is this normal for bios?
your not looking at the whole picture guys. its great if you have super tight BBs but they aren't going to give any advantage over less tight BBs. when buying BBs look at the manufacturing specs. then look at your barrel. if you have a 6.01 barrel and are using BBs made at 5.98+.02 your probably going to have a lot of jams. however if you are running a 6.03 barrel and are using BBs that have a tolerance of 5.95+.02 then you are not maximizing your compression and air seal ratios. as for bio BBs (BBBs) there are a few good manufacturers. Bioval happens to be my favorite.
I've been using Javelin .25s without issue since I started Airsoft.

However, I keep talking to people who swear by BioVal and I'm going to give them a run next time I purchase BBs. I'll pay a few more bucks for the biodegradability.

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