Time: August 19, 2011 at 4pm to August 20, 2011 at 10pm
Location: Cisco Grove Area
Website or Map: http://www.cimmerians.org
Event Type: cimmerian, op
Organized By: Komissar / Cimmerians
Latest Activity: Aug 19, 2011
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This event is hosted by the Cimmerians.
You must be registered on the Cimmerian site and be at least 18 years old or 15+ and a guest of a Cimmerian. Operators age 16+ only need be attended by a registered adult. NOTE: The 'minor' will be a shadow to the registered adult operator. The will need to be with you at all times.
August 19th-20th, 2011
Friday Operations
1400 - OPCOM Set-up
1600 - Dinner
2000 - Night Operations (Half Moon)
Saturday Operations
0800 - Briefing and Chrono
0900 - Begin Evolutions
1200 - Lunch in the Field
1600 – Completion of OPs
Location: Cisco Grove Area
Genre: Modern
Briefing: Now available HERE.
Real Wold History HERE.
LRA Guerrillas: Woodland BDU. Please include a Shemagh and Cap/Boonie of some type. (Your rebels after all!)
Operators will need to carry their food, water, ammunition, death rag, and compass, for field operations.
Be prepared. Be responsible.
Get your camping gear and dinner together for the over-nighter!
Items of consideration:
Backup AEG
Batteries (AEG and radio)
spare mags
radio with sub-channels
OPERATORS: If you have not registered on the Cimmerian website please do it now. The link is HERE. Due to the overwhelming response to this OP, there may be a delay, however you must do your part in registering. Thank you.
Tomorrow it begins.
Farside: Thanks for the report.
Derek: A woodland Boonie is what you need. The addition of a shemagh has many advantages. Hurry to the bank!
John: It would be great if you would bring a woodland shemagh or two. Likely to be interested buyers there. And would you mind bringing a few bags of Bio .25's for sale? I have been asked several times for ammo by operators looking to top off before they take the field!
Tank: Congrads! Good to have you back in town.
ALL OPERATORS: Another operator is of the age to be in need of "shadowing". As of yet, he is unable to attend. If you are interested he posted HERE.
There was constrution August 4th, where 20 meets 80. It merged into one lane. I don't know how it is now, but be aware of it.
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RSVP for Cimmerian OP: MAIDENSTEEL August 19-20 to add comments!